MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 5

y name is Catrina Crutcher, and I am 38 years old. I was diagnosed
on June 15, 2021, at the age of 37 with BRCA1 triple-negative breast
cancer (TNBC) stage IIIb.
Prior to my diagnosis, I was living my best life as we were in
the middle of a global pandemic. However, at the time I had some
exciting things happening. I was happily living my life with my fiancé and had just
finished taking the LSAT, as I was preparing to attend law school in the fall of 2021.
After being diagnosed and starting treatments in July 2021, I put attending law
school on hold. I was diagnosed by my breast specialist after my first mammogram,
ultrasound, and biopsy. Experiencing all three of those tests left me feeling
extremely anxious and nervous to my core, but it provided the answer I needed to
learn my health was in jeopardy.
Many days, even though I am now cancer free as of January 2022, I worry that
my health is still in jeopardy. Am I really cancer free? Did I really survive?
Can I live normally or try to be normal? Those are the daily questions and the
biggest-if it comes back will it be MBC, stage IV? As I shared, I was diagnosed
with stage IIIb, which means the cancer expanded outside my breast into my
lymph nodes.
My diagnosis came as a complete shock for me, because honestly, I never thought
it would/could happen to me (cancer). I know many of us have that thought " it
can't happen to me, " but when the unexpected happens it can teach you that " no
one is excluded from any curve ball life may toss. "
My TNBC diagnosis brought out the unknowns for me by turning things in a
different direction. When I say unknowns and directions, I mean things about
myself, family, and this aggressive disease were unfamiliar. This diagnose was a
shocker, as I was preparing to attend law school and instead ended up heading
to a chemo chair. For me, TNBC brought out the importance of communication,
finding a voice, and strengthening my faith.
Growing up, I did not have any health challenges. As a child, I was born prematurely
weighing two pounds, but no additional health issues after birth. From
what my mother has shared with me, after I was born, I bloomed like a beautiful
flower. I caught up to my normal childhood milestones as a normal child. My
mother became ill, so the doctors thought it was best to take me out early. As I
grew up through the various milestones of my life, I just wanted to be healthy.
My freshman year was when I became serious about my health. I can't say that
an event happened that forced me to become serious about my health, but just
knowing the importance of it and fearing obesity or other family traits caused me
to be cautious. During my freshman year, I became more active with exercising,
I drank more water, and I changed my eating habits to incorporate more baked
foods rather than fried. Keep in mind I never truly ate horribly, but sweets were
a weakness (honestly they still are!). I still carried those healthy habits even prior
to being diagnosed. My health was very important to me. Even into adulthood,
I have remained healthy. My definition of healthy is maintaining a healthy body
weight, a healthy diet, and exercise. I go to annual appointments, I drink lots of
water, and I communicate how I feel.
As I previously mentioned, I was diagnosed with TNBC on June 15, 2021. TNBC
presented me with medication side effects that I wouldn't wish on anyone. In my
TNBC journey, I had undergone 16 rounds of chemotherapy (four rounds of a
medication known as the " red devil " and 12 rounds of another medication).
The sides effects of nausea, taste bud changes, fatigue, and constipation were very
impactful. At one point in my treatment, I passed out at home after a chemotherapy
session. That truly was a scaring moment for me and my family. One day I went
to the restroom, and as I was walking, I began to not feel well. I sat down on the
toilet and immediately called downstairs to my fiancé. I heard my fiancé coming
" Instead of feeling
defeated every day, I
immediately leaned
into my faith. I found
my smile and that
glimmer of light. I
found moments in
each day that made
me look ahead and
allowed me to dream
wholeheartedly and
breathe deeply-feeling
the comfort in knowing
I am here. "

MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022

MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover2
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 1
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Contents
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 3
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 4
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 5
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 6
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 7
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 8
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 9
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 10
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MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover3
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover4