MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover3

Q. How do you identify or build a support system
for yourself if you are newly diagnosed with
A. I like to start at the very beginning with someone who is
just being diagnosed and encourage them to think about an
exercise. To actually draw out a support system of concentric
circles. At the circle, in the very center, I have them write
their own name as a reminder that they themselves are an
important source of support in their cancer journey and the
next circles are the people closest to them, the most intimate
people, their intimate partners, and so on.
With each circle outward, they list more people in their
world who they may not be as close to, but who might be a
part of that support system for them, all the way through
neighbors and varying communities in which they participate.
Once they have all those names in various circles, I
ask them to think about the strengths of each person. What
is each person good at? Might it be emotional support, do
they listen well, or offer companionship? Or are they better
at task support? That is, do they get things done? Or maybe
you have someone who is good at information support that is
finding answers to your questions and gathering resources?
Then consider that support and whether or not it's positive
(+) or negative (-). They should write an (E) for Emotional
a (T) for Task, and an (I) for an Informational next to each
name then a (+) or (-) sign if its positive or negative support.
Once they have done this, they have a visual representation
of their support system, and they can decide to reach out to
whomever for whatever they need. They also know not to
ask for emotional support from someone who really shines
at informational support, and so on.
Q. What is an example of this exercise in real life?
A. For example if their partner is awesome at listening, then
that's (E +) Emotional Support, but terrible at cooking that's
(T -) Task Support. They can look to someone else in their
circles for food-related tasks. This exercise allows the person
living with cancer to seek and expect the help that their supporters
can best give, and their supporters feel strong and
able to give the best support that they're able to offer.
Q. Not everyone has family, friends, or community
members that are local that would be able
to actively be part of supportive care. What
would be your suggestions?
A. We can almost always find people to support us, even
from afar. It starts with us really being willing to ask for
that help and then creating that list of people. Perhaps there
is a neighbor or a co-worker? There are also community
support services in many areas. If you really can't think of
anyone, try to find the oncology social worker at your cancer
center. They can be a wealth of support.
Q. What advice do you have for our early-stage
TNBC and MBC TNBC patients who are in various
stages of treatment and recovery for the
emotional, physical, and economic impacts cancer
had on their world?
A. I would suggest they get in touch with the oncology social
worker (OSW) at their cancer center as soon as possible.
OSWs can help them understand the cancer care experience,
support decision making, communication, and connect
them with resources in each of these areas. l
Thank you, Dr. Tara Schapmire for guiding us on how to build and map out
our Social Support System.
These circles are for you to identify and build out your support system of
concentric circles.
We encourage you to complete this exercise to help you identify the world of support that is already a part of
your life. The exercise includes identifying and highlighting important individuals in your life and the positions and
strengths of each individual.
Tiger Tip: Not only is it resourceful paring up tasks with interests and skill sets, but both the patient and
caregiver will feel good about what they are doing and the care they are receiving. It is a win-win situation where
everyone feels empowered and good about what they are doing and the support they are receiving.

MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022

MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Cover2
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 1
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - Contents
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 3
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 4
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 5
MY LIFE Matters: TNBC Patient Voices Issue 2022 - 6
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