Orchestrating Complex Care
More and more hospices now serve patients who require “complex care.” But
some hospices may not have an established process to help ensure the care
that’s needed is delivered at the right time by the most appropriate staff. Two
clinicians from Chapters Health System discuss the process they follow—but
also share an actual case to show just how effective it can be in practice.
Gilchrist Hospice Care’s
clinical director, Regina
Shannon Bodnar, walks
us through her use of
the NHPCO Staffing
Guidelines to illustrate
how valuable it can be
in helping to determine
optimal caseloads.
“We’ve been using the
Guidelines since 2011,”
she says, “and it has
helped me delineate
differing needs by
service line and, in some
cases, also by team.”
Quality on Display
Short Takes:
How have providers prepared their staff
for the quality reporting requirements?
Two of the providers that were
recognized for their work by the NHPCO
Quality and Standards Committee
discuss the steps they took to prepare
for implementation of the Comfortable
Dying Measure.
• ward Winners
Recognized at MLC
• ircle of Life Call for
PT in Hospice
Karen Mueller of the NCHPP Allied
Therapist Steering Committee speaks to
the value of physical therapy in helping
hospice patients and families meet their
goals of care. (Be sure to also see the
impressive list of published research on
this topic that she provides on page 29.)
A Message From Don
Member News
and Notes
Compliance Tip
Educational Offerings
Videos Worth Watching
News From NHF
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NewsLine - June 2013