IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 1

Books That Resonate Place Time Culture Experience Design

Welcome to the Fall/Winter edition of Perspective. Below is a select reading list of books—chosen by iida executive vp and ceo Cheryl Durst—that resonate with the sub-themes that recur throughout the following pages: place, time, culture, experience, and design.

A History of tHe World in 100 objects All business is locAl: WHy PlAce MAtters More tHAn ever in A GlobAl, virtuAl World Alone, toGetHer cHAnGe by desiGn: HoW desiGn tHinkinG trAnsforMs orGAnizAtions And insPires innovAtion desiGn revolution: 100 Products tHAt eMPoWer PeoPle desiGn your life: tHe PleAsures And Perils of everydAy tHinGs desiGninG interActions eMotionAl desiGn: WHy We love (or HAte) everydAy tHinGs GenerAtions At Work: MAnAGinG tHe clAsH of veterAns, booMers, X-ers, And neXters in your WorkPlAce

Neil MacGreGor (aNd the British MuseuM) JohN a. Quelch aNd K atheriNe Jocz sherry turKle tiM BrowN eMily pillotoN elleN aNd Julia luptoN Bill MoGGridGe doNald a. NorMaN roN zeMKe

HiGH line: tHe inside story of neW york city’s PArk in tHe sky Joshua david aNd roBert haMMoNd HoMe: A sHort History of An ideA Microtrends: tHe sMAll forces beHind toMorroW’s biG cHAnGes PredictAbly irrAtionAl Postsecret tAlent is overrAted tHe eXPerience econoMy (uPdAted edition) tHe neXt decAde tHe PoWer of HAbit: WHy We do WHAt We do in life And Work tHe sHAlloWs: WHAt tHe internet is doinG to our brAins tHinkinG, fAst And sloW trAvels in siberiA witold ryBczyNsKi MarK peNN daN ariely FraNK warreN GeoFF colviN Joseph piNe aNd JaMes GilMore GeorGe FriedMaN charles duhiGG Nicholas carr daNiel K ahNeMaN iaN Frazier

you Are not A GAdGet JaroN laNier




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012

IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012
Behind the Issue
Design Dialogue
Getting It, Together
What Clients Want: Product Manufacturers
Paths for the Protégé
Design Decoded
Behind the Design
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Cover2
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 1
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 2
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Contents
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 4
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 5
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Contributors
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 7
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - From IIDA
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 9
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Behind the Issue
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 11
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Design Dialogue
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 13
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 14
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 15
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 16
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 17
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Getting It, Together
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 19
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 20
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 21
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 22
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 23
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 24
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 25
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - What Clients Want: Product Manufacturers
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 27
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 28
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 29
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 30
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 31
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 32
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 33
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Paths for the Protégé
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 35
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 36
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 37
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 38
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 39
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Design Decoded
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 41
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 42
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 43
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 44
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 45
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 46
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 47
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 48
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 49
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Resources
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 51
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 52
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 53
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Behind the Design
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - 55
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Viewpoints
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Cover3
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2012 - Cover4