IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 21

Our members are divĀ­
erse, and that diversity
extends to firm size as
well. Did you feel the
size of the firm you were
part of informed your
leadership style?

LEWIS GOETZ: I think it's great that we've had different Presidents from different size
firms. So we really do represent the entire profession. There've been small firms,
I had a medium size firm, others have represented the largest firm in the world,
and that brings a tremendous diversity to the presidency and to the organization.
It shows members can be all different things.
CHERYL DURST: Viveca, you moved from a medium sized firm to a smaller firm,
which allowed you to be entrepreneurial-and you made that move while you
were IIDA President. How did that affect your year as President? How did it affect
you as a practitioner?
VIVECA BISSONETTE: The traditional model of a firm and the traditional roles of an
Interior Designer are changing, and they're changing rapidly. I feel like the
transition I made was a very natural one-I went from a much more traditional
environment to an environment that was responding to the market that we were
surrounded by, new abilities with technology, and expanded roles with regard
to strategic planning. There's great growth, great potential, but a lot of change
that we're facing.

Because of how people are practicing now, we've been able to tap into resources
that a small firm normally wouldn't have ever had. Usually only large firms possess
those kind of resources. There are a lot individuals looking for collaborative
opportunities, and our firm is set up to take advantage of those. It allows us to take
on opportunities that we normally wouldn't have. What's interesting is that IIDA
recognizes the changing model, recognizes that we all don't fit the same roles, the
same mold, and provides value to everyone and is looking to see in the future how
we can provide more value to our membership because our members are going to
be looking for something different next year, five years, ten years down the road
than what they're looking for now.

Is there still a line
between architect and
interior designer?

RICHARD POLLACK: Great question. To that exact point, I graduated from Pratt in
architecture, and I would not tell my professors for the first three or four years after
I graduated that I was doing interiors because when I mentioned it once or twice I got
nothing but looks down the nose. You're an architect! And you realize that what's
so great about interiors is that you're actually creating the space that people live in,
that they work in. You can look as an architect and say there's a great big high rise,
and I love to do that in Chicago, but people live inside those buildings and that's
where design really touches them. I always felt it was what I wanted to do.
CHERYL DURST: It's one of the things that's made IIDA, IIDA. 25 percent of our members
were educated as architects but have always practiced in an interior environment.
Ten percent of our members are facility planners educated as Interior Designers,
but it's still a different aspect of the business and I think we've seen that grow
within the Association. It's absolutely something that we can be proud, that we
acknowledge the various career paths to Interior Design.
CARY JOHNSON: Boy, when I saw IIDA take that position, and not worry about that line!
I've practiced with firms like that, where there's as many architects doing interiors
as there are Interior Designers. And vice versa. They're across the aisle from one
another, working on the same project-and that line that the academy has always
perpetuated just isn't there.
RICHARD POLLACK: In my practice I'd occasionally have people ask me how many people
at the firm were architecturally educated, and how many were educated as Interior
Designers. My answer would always be "I have no idea." Because I didn't care. It's like,
who are the good people? Who's got the great brains and the great design talent?
That's who needed to be there. So it didn't matter. It still doesn't matter to me.




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014

IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover1
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover2
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 1
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 2
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Contents
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 4
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 5
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 6
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 7
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 8
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 9
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 10
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 11
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 12
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 13
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 14
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 15
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16A
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16B
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 17
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 18
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 19
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 20
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 21
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 22
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IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover3
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover4