IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 48

2. Upright sit: For tasks that take long-term focus,


We're seeing a
convergence in
our healthcare,
education, science
and technology,
hospitality, and
civic projects-they are embracing
nontraditional configurations and
reconfigurable furniture."

such as research or writing, Agati says a chair should
have a back that is more vertical than
lounge options.
3. Work-lounge: Work/lounge hybrid options
typically combine the cushion part of lounge seating
with the vertical profile of an upright sit. "This
ensures you're not leaning forward to reach a table
like with a lounge chair," he adds.
4. Standing: According to a Capital One survey, 31
percent of employees now expect alternative work
spaces, such as standing desks. According to Agati,
-Elina Cardet
tables for standing work should be between 39 to
42 inches (1 meter) in height and are best suited for
quick tasks or meetings.
Standing desk options are becoming a more common
convergence in our healthcare, education, science and technology, hospitality,
feature in the workplace. Part of that trend has to do
and civic projects-they are embracing nontraditional configurations and
with health: According to a recent analysis from the
American Journal of Epidemiology, sitting more than
reconfigurable furniture," Cardet says. Take community centers, which must
six hours a day is linked to increased mortality from all
address multigenerational needs and often change purposes from day to night.
causes of death in the study population, from cardiovascular
"We include elegant armchairs for seniors, deep sectional seating for teenagers
disease and cancer to Parkinson's disease
to [sit in a cross-legged position], and modern
and Alzheimer's. In fact, the WELL
rockers that are a favorite for all ages," she adds.
Building Standard calls for 60 percent of
At the same time, the prevalence of mobile
workstations to have adjustable-height
apps with real-time scheduling functions now
standing desks.
means that people don't need to spend as
Research on the tangible benefits of
much time sitting and waiting-whether at a
standing desks is starting to come out: In
transit station, airport, or healthcare facility.
Cities are now installing more
welcoming seating in public parks
a small study of 146 workers published
"In our healthcare projects, we're not calling
as a simple but effective way
by BMJ in October 2018, those who
them 'waiting rooms' anymore, but 'lounges,'"
to encourage use. In particular,
used adjustable-height desks sat less and
says Carley-Vallejo. "It's a different model,
many cities are choosing movable
reported better health and improved work
one that aims at improving the overall patient
and more comfortable seating as
experience." In the firm's design for Memorial
a way to give individuals more
customizable choices-helping to
"They're still quite expensive, but
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's upcoming
blur the distinction between public
pricing is starting to come down, and
ambulatory care building in New York, for
and private space. The design has
manufacturers are figuring out how to
example, there is no traditional check-in
become a benefit for those living in
perfect the mechanisms and integrate
desk. Instead, patients can register and check
high-density urban areas.
the wiring," says Maureen Carleythemselves in via a mobile app or, upon arrival
"We're in the era of cities now,
and their rise has been driven by
Vallejo, a principal and senior healthcare
they are greeted by staff at a concierge-style
the revival of downtown parks,"
interiors leader at the New York
podium with iPads who will actually come to
says Adrian Benepe, a senior vice
office of Perkins Eastman. The firm is
where the patient is sitting to get any additional
president and director of national
implementing standing desks in most of
programs at The Trust for Public
its corporate and healthcare projects.
"Because you don't need a large waiting
Land in New York. "And the trend in
those smaller downtown parks and
room anymore, those areas are being
squares is to have movable seating
Ready to Rearrange
reduced in size, with sofa-style groupings of
in addition to classic fixed benches.
The workplace isn't the only space
better seating and amenities that reflect the
They are a vote of confidence in the
undergoing a seat change. These days,
influence of hospitality design," Cardet says.
public realm."
more and more spaces that were once
In a multicity survey by
the Center for Active Design,
Seeking Shelter
traditionally earmarked for a particular
respondents who felt that there was
Optimizing new user patterns isn't the only
purpose are being redesigned as
adequate outdoor seating in their
factor that should be driving how designers
multifunctional spaces. Providing a
communities were 10 percent more
think about seating, however. Agati says a user's
diversity of seating types opens up the
likely to be satisfied with their local
personal bubble-their physical boundary of
possibilities for users. "We're seeing a
parks and recreation department.




Photo by: (right) South China Morning Post/Contributor



IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019

IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019
Talk, Talk
Powered by Design
From the Ashes
That Creative Spark
The Hybrid Hotel
Change of Seat
Scratch Pad
Insider Intel
IIDA News + Updates
Why This Design Works
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Cover2
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - From IIDA
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 2
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Contents
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 4
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 5
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Next
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 7
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 8
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 9
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 10
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 11
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Talk, Talk
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 13
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Pre/Post
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 15
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Powered by Design
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 17
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 18
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 19
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 20
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 21
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 22
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 23
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - From the Ashes
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 25
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 26
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 27
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 28
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 29
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 30
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 31
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - That Creative Spark
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 33
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 34
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 35
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 36
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 37
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - The Hybrid Hotel
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 39
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 40
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 41
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 42
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 43
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Change of Seat
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 45
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 46
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 47
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 48
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 49
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Scratch Pad
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 51
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Insider Intel
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 53
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - IIDA News + Updates
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - 55
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Why This Design Works
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Cover3
IIDA Perspective - Summer 2019 - Cover4