For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 25

that person of his or her Constitutional rights.
The following potential federal causes of action
present themselves in our hypothetical.
First Amendment Retaliatory Claim. The police
cannot arrest you simply for engaging in
protected First Amendment activity. In Fields v.
City of Philadelphia, the Third Circuit recently
(finally!) clearly established that observing,
photographing, and recording police while
they are on the job is protected activity under
the First Amendment.3 Other examples of First
Amendment protected activity that sometimes
trigger retaliatory arrests by the police include
political demonstrations and (colorfully) verbalizing one's displeasure at the manner in which
an officer may be doing his or her job. For a First
Amendment retaliation claim in our hypothetical,
your client would have to establish (1) your client
was engaging in activity protected by the First
Amendment; (2) the police took adverse action
against your client that would deter a person
of ordinary firmness from continuing to engage
in the protected activity; and (3) the protected
activity was a substantial or motivating factor in
the officer's adverse actions against your client.4
Unlawful Arrest. Warrantless arrests made
without probable cause constitute a violation of
the Fourth Amendment. The test for whether
the warrantless arrest was constitutionally valid
depends on whether, "at the moment the arrest
was made, the officers had probable cause to
make it - whether at that moment the facts and
circumstances within their knowledge and of
which they had reasonable trustworthy information were sufficient to warrant a prudent man in
believing that [your client] had committed or was
committing an offense."5
Excessive Force. The unreasonable or excessive
use of force during any arrest, investigatory stop
or any other seizure of a person violates the
Fourth Amendment and may be actionable under
Section 1983. An excessive force claim is not necessarily barred by a criminal conviction depending
on the nature of the conviction and the extent of

force used.6 An officer is permitted to use "reasonable" force, if necessary, to conduct a lawful
arrest.7 Of course, no force is permitted to effectuate an unlawful arrest. Whether the amount
of force is "reasonable" is an objective standard
- the actual motivation or intention of the officer
is not relevant.8 Fact finders consider the totality
of the circumstances when determining whether
the force used was reasonable. They can consider
the need, if any, for force; the severity of the
crime at issue; whether the person arrested posed
an immediate threat to the safety of others; and
the extent of the injury inflicted.9
Malicious Prosecution. To prove a Fourth
Amendment malicious prosecution claim, your
client must show (1) the officer initiated a criminal proceeding (that his report and his statement
led to the prosecutor's decision to bring criminal
charges); (2) the criminal proceedings ended in
your client's favor; (3) the officer initiated the
proceedings without probable cause; (4) the
officer acted maliciously or for a purpose other

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Vol. 2, Issue 4 | For The Defense


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017

Table of Contents
Commonwealth v. Jerome King and Beyond: Trial Counsel’s Obligation to Cooperate with an Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claim
United States ex rel. Petratos v. Genentech Inc. – The Third Circuit Embraces A Rigorous Pleading Standard for Materiality In False Claims Act Suits, But Leaves Healthcare Industry Defendants Vulnerable On Medicare Claims
Changes in the DUI Landscape: Acts 33 and 30
Police Misconduct Resulting in Arrest: Weighing the Options
Dying with Dignity: Compassionate Release in Pennsylvania
Amicus Matters
Attorney Discipline
Finding the Hidden Data in Technology to Defend Your Client
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 1
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 2
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Table of Contents
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 4
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Commonwealth v. Jerome King and Beyond: Trial Counsel’s Obligation to Cooperate with an Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claim
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 6
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 7
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 8
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 9
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 10
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - United States ex rel. Petratos v. Genentech Inc. – The Third Circuit Embraces A Rigorous Pleading Standard for Materiality In False Claims Act Suits, But Leaves Healthcare Industry Defendants Vulnerable On Medicare Claims
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 12
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 13
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 14
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 15
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 16
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 17
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Changes in the DUI Landscape: Acts 33 and 30
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 19
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 20
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 21
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Police Misconduct Resulting in Arrest: Weighing the Options
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 23
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 24
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 25
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 26
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 27
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 28
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Dying with Dignity: Compassionate Release in Pennsylvania
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 30
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 31
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 32
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 33
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 34
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Amicus Matters
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For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 38
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 39
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Attorney Discipline
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 41
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 42
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - 43
For the Defense - Volume 2, Issue 4 - 2017 - Finding the Hidden Data in Technology to Defend Your Client
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