Spirit Magazine - February 2014 - (Page 12)

At Southwest Airlines, we spend a lot of time talking about a word you don't hear very often in corporate America: "LUV." We are the LUV airline-our New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol is LUV, and our home airport is Dallas Love Field-but to understand what it's all about, you must look into the hearts of our People. After all, we like to say that we are not a Company of planes; we are a Company of People. As the LUV airline, one of our favorite days of the year is Valentine's Day. That's when, every year, we pay tribute to a behind-the-scenes department at Southwest through the very special "Heroes of the Heart Award." This distinction goes to a group of Employees who aren't on the frontlines but are just as essential as our Pilots and Flight Attendants. We emblazon an aircraft with the Heroes of the Heart logo featuring Customer Service in Action I received a letter praising one of our Customer Relations Telephone Representatives for a special connection that she made possible for a Customer. The gentleman was traveling with his future bride, and our Employee helped this couple with their wedding travel plans, going above and beyond to make all of the arrangements. The Customer was especially moved when our Employee contacted him two days after his trip to congratulate him and his wife on their marriage. She even sent the couple a gift. What a wonderful example of spreading the LUV! the honored department's name, and we hang a two-story banner in the lobby of our corporate Headquarters as a tribute to these Employees. If you happen to be flying with us on Valentine's Day, you will notice decorations at the ticket counters and in the gate area, and we will offer a complimentary alcoholic beverage to anyone 21 or older. (Of course, sodas and snacks are always on the house.) While these may seem like relatively small gestures, the point is that we have a Culture built on LUV. It's a People-centric Culture that is fueled by the 46,000 Southwest and AirTran Airways Employees. We've built our Brand from the inside out, starting by nurturing People in our Culture, and that fact manifests itself in the Customer Service that we provide. Outside groups and friends often ask me about our Culture-what makes it so unique and special? By definition, Culture is a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization. For us, it's really pretty simple. We ask that our Employees follow one rule above all others: The Golden Rule of treating others as you wish to be treated. Our Culture is not a program or initiative; rather, it is the sum of the hearts of our People. It's our single greatest asset as a Company, and it's built into the fabric of everything that we do. Thank you for allowing us to spread the LUV by serving you today! Gary Kelly Chairman, President, and CEO Southwest Airlines 12 SPIRIT FEBRUARY 2014 PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAN SELLERS Gary's Greeting + Spreading the LUV

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spirit Magazine - February 2014

Spirit Magazine - February 2014
Gary’s Greeting
Gary’s Greeting en Español
Star of the Month
Freedom Story
From the Editor
Your Words
Your Pictures
Media Center
Eat Drink Sleep
Revel in rum
Cozy up to Chicago
Wise Guide
Learn to slow down
The Numbers
Get briefed on Oscars history
Entertain (with) a proposal
Keep your company current
Cut down on insurance confusion
Digitize your doorman
Seek success with fun and games
Go loco for Lego
Building Lego
A Fighting Chance
Your Adventure In Miami
Promotional Series: Focus on Health for All Seasons
Promotional Series: Focus on Education
Promotional Series: Focus on Franchises
Community Outreach
Products & Services
Flight Service
Terminal Maps
Rapid Rewards and A+ Rewards Partners
Route Map
The “If” List

Spirit Magazine - February 2014
