INDUSTRY PROJECTIONS varies significantly and confirms May and June's importance. See graphic above. Of course, this monthly variance December - March is caused by the northern climate courses being mostly closed with them shifting into high gear in May and June. This prompted me to take a look at the forecasts for 10 Major Markets that are now open and how they are projected to fare over the next couple months. Jim Koppenhaver recently finished his biannual update of the Top 25 Healthiest Golf Markets; so I picked my 10 from that list sort of at random (Health Rank shown in 2nd column); but I also selected a couple that I knew had some weather challenges in the first part of the year (San Francisco, Denver and Portland). It's a pretty good cross-section and the news is very good for most of them. See table below. 4 The Pellucid PersPecTive May 2023