IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 4


for the full IEP of ships is introduced.
Lithium-ion battery packs are the
The advantages of the dc bus system
currently dominating energy storage
are demonstrated by a real case, the
systems. The fast charging capacity
Shen Kuo research vessel (2,100-ton
of high-energy-density lithium-ion
deadweight tonnage). The benefits of
batteries is of practical interest. In
using the dc bus, validated by a mis"Enhancing the Fast Charging Capasion from Hainan, China, to the Maribility of High-Energy-Density Lithiana Trench, are also discussed in this
um-Ion Batteries," written by
article. The authors present space,
Chengxiu Chen, Samuel Plunkett,
weight, and cost comparisons
Mohamad Salameh, Stoyan Stoyanov,
between dc and ac bus IEPs for the
Said Al-Hallaj, and Mahesh KrishShen Kuo research vessel.
namurthy, the main limitation is
In "Frequency Fluctuations in
identified as the dilemma of high
Marine Microgrids," Tomasz Tarasiuk,
energy density versus charging rate.
Yuri Zunino, Maximiliano BuenoThe authors present the current
López, Federico Silvestro, Andrzej
research directions to mitigate this
Pilat, and Marta Molinas provide an
limitation, including cell design,
overview of the cause
of frequency fluctuacontrol of batteries,
Data analytics,
tions in ship microgrids
and temperature coninformation technology,
that use three-phase
trol. A system-level
and communication
400-V, 50-Hz ac bus sysintelligent battery
tems. Three real ship
technology with
thermal managemicrogrid systems'
ment system that can
cybersecurity will
topologies as well as
take care of both temfacilitate the end uses
frequency plots are preperature control and
to have the demand-
sented. The authors
charging profile is
response capability.
demonstrate two specdeemed as a future
tral identification tools
trend for battery control.
to extract harmonic
High-speed railcomponents in voltage measurements.
way is a now widely adopted techIn "Shore Charging for Plug-In Batnology that has generated huge
tery-Powered Ships," Siamak Karimi,
benefits in elevating the economy.
Mehdi Zadeh, and Jon Are Suul review
Railway electrification has been covthe available systems for shore-toered since the first issue of this magship high-power charging, including
azine (e.g., see Uzuka). In "Energy
recent technologies, control methods,
Metering of Trains," Bart Van der
and related challenges. Charging for
Spiegel and José Antonio Rodríguez
both dc and ac bus-based ship
Mondejar offer an overview on why
microgrid systems is covered. A comenergy meters are installed on board
parison of different charging systems,
trains, how consumption is measuch as ac, dc, and wireless solusured, and how data are transmitted
tions, and the feasibility of each sysin real time.
tem are discussed. Furthermore, the
The impact of electric vehicles
recent commercial shore-to-ship
and solar PV on power grids, specifiinterfaces for charging purposes are
cally the distribution system, is covintroduced. Finally, a generic overered in "The Proliferation of Solar
view of the control functions needPhotovoltaics," by Farrokh Aminifar,
ed for shore charging is suggested.
Mohammad Shahidehpour, Ahmed


I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / SEPTEMBER 2020

Alabdulwahab, Abdullah Abusorrah,
and Yusuf Al-Turki. They discuss the
challenges of renewable proliferation
as well as opportunities for expanding
the use of renewable energy. One
example is the lack of ramping flexibility of grid-following renewables for
power system operation. This shortcoming can be mitigated by having
energy storage systems and renewables working as a unit to achieve
grid-forming functions and further
participate in demand response. To
this end, data analytics, information
technology, and communication
technology with cybersecurity will
facilitate the end uses to have the
demand-response capability. Those
technologies help solar PVs work with
not only static energy storage systems
but also electric vehicles.
Finally, "A Controller Hardwarein-the Loop Testbed," by Siddhartha
Nigam, Olaoluwapo Ajala, and Alejandro D. Domínguez-García, presents a lab testing setup to examine
the performance of centralized
and decentralized microgrid control architectures.
We hope you enjoy this issue. If
you want to submit an article or
would like a specific topic to be
addressed in future issues, please
contact us at

For Further Reading
D. Weisfield, "Peter Thiel at Yale: We
wanted flying cars, instead we got 140
characters," Apr. 27, 2013. [Online].
A. Vance, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX,
and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. New
York: HarperCollins, 2015.
T. Uzuka, "Faster than a speeding
bullet: An overview of Japanese highspeed rail technology and electrification," IEEE Electrific. Mag., vol. 1, no. 1,
pp. 11-20, Sept. 2013. doi: 10.1109/

IEEE Electrification - September 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Electrification - September 2020

IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - Cover1
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - Cover2
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - Contents
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 2
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 3
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 4
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 5
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 6
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 7
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 8
IEEE Electrification - September 2020 - 9
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