24th to 29th August 2014 CIGRE SESSION Paris, Palais des Congrès Paris, France (Porte Maillot) > > > 45 A week-long Technical Programme A Technical Exhibition over 2 floors A unique opportunity to interact with 6600 managers and experts from the worldwide Power Industry Reduced rates for registrations received up to 31 July 2014 © Photos : FOTOLIA, SEVES CA, CIGRE. Graphisme : Laurent Turquin. To register, Tarifs réduits or for the full programme, visit: www.cigre.org pour toute inscription reçue au plus tard le 31 juillet 2014 For general information: www.cigre.org T. + 33 (0)1 53 89 12 90 For registration: registrations@cigre.org INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON LARGE ELECTRIC SYSTEMS Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques http://www.cigre.orghttp://www.cigre.org http://www.cigre.org http://www.cigre.org