This article presents an automatic RASA system within BC Hydro's fully integrated energy management and RAS system. transient stability as well as voltage stability and in mitigating thermal overloading. TsaPM and rasa applications are responsible for determining the rasa patterns and downloading the recommended patterns to ras schemes at arming stations. The eMs applications and ras schemes at arming stations are fully integrated, forming an automatic ras system as shown in figure 7. Using state estimator results as input, TsaPM runs periodically to provide rasa patterns in real time; the process relies heavily on the fact that the database contains a large number of cases and rules generated from off-line planning studies of power system security. a pattern-matching technique is employed to match the real-time condition as calculated by the state estimator with the closest case in the database. a set of rules associated with the predefined real-time condition is selected to determine precontingency restrictions (preventive actions) and rasa patterns (corrective actions). a rasa pattern can be established in an automatic way (using TsaPM) or manually, and the arming pattern can be downloaded automatically or manually. running in the normal mode-as a scada/eMs function-the rasa application receives the rasa patterns recommended figure 8. A list of alarms triggering auto download suspension. 82 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2014