2016 Menu Guide Summer Garden Pizza 1 14-inch pizza crust 1 cup Alfredo Sauce 1½ cups julienne carrots 1½ cups broccoli 1 cup julienne cucumber 1 small tomato, chopped ½ small onion, chopped 1½ cup mozzarella Fresh basil Ladle Alfredo sauce onto pizza crust, spreading it into a semithin layer. Scatter broccoli, cucumber, tomato, onion and 1 cup of carrots on top. Cover with mozzarella and a few sprinkles of fresh basil. Bake. When pizza comes out of oven sprinkle with remaining carrots. Serve. 7 8 / P I Z Z AT O D AY. C O M / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 PHOTO BY JOSH KEOWNhttp://www.PIZZATODAY.COM