CONTENTS 03 Thoughts from Chris Rusconi Our mission is stronger than ever. 04 Fresh Start Living with gout, how to boost your brain health, handling low-energy days, and more. 22 The Research Report Can medications for diabetes also treat ADPKD? 06 Eating Well How to choose a PKDfriendly plant-based milk. Ages & Stages 08 The Kid Zone Navigating emergency care for kids with PKD. 09 PKD Day to Day What you need to know about preparing for a transplant. 10 Caregiving Technology tools to keep your loved ones safe. 11 Doctor Q&A Nephrologist Songul Onder, M.D., discusses the importance of family screening. 24 Foundation Partners Thank you to our generous donors. 26 Foundation Focus A recap of PKDCON 2022, the power of advocacy, and this year's virtual and inperson Walk for PKD. 29 Breathe Massachusetts artist Diane Carnevale, on why painting and staying physically active have helped her cope. 2 PKD LIFE * FALL 2022 DEPARTMENTS