Horace Mann - Spring 2012 - (Page 49)

H Memorials memorials ring her husband. The Lloyds’ lifelong collaboration culminated in their appearance together in the 2007 documentary, “Who Is Norman Lloyd?” Peggy Lloyd is survived by her husband, who is still a working actor at age 96, and two children. orace Mann School mourns the deaths of the following members of our community. We invite readers to share their memories and reflections with one another in these pages by writing to alumni@horacemann.org. Please note that the names of several alumni appear in the Memorial listing, but they are not eulogized here. Their memorials will appear in the next issue of Horace Mann Magazine. Peggy Hirsdansky Craven Lloyd ’31 Actor and Director Helen Hazell Quanjer ’31 Devoted Librarian and Teacher Horace Mann School regrets to share the news of the passing of Helen Hazell Quanjer ’31 on April 11, 2011, at home in Horace Mann School mourns the death Pillsbury Manor South of South Burlington, VT. After gradof Peggy Hirsdansky Lloyd ’31 on August uating from Horace Mann High School she received her 30, 2011, at age 98. Born Margaret Jane teaching degree from Ethical Culture Teachers Training Hirsdansky on August 14, 1913, as a School in 1934. She especially loved teaching first graders child and while a student at Horace how to read. Mann she appeared on Broadway, Helen and Fred Quanjer, who married in 1939, lived in under the stage name Peggy Craven, NYC until moving to Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. in 1950. notably in the ensemble of 1920’s “The While living in Hastings, Helen taught nursery school and Night Boat.” She went on to become a was a senior clerk at the Hastings Public Library for 20 noted stage actress, working with the likes of John years. She and Fred were great figure skaters and loved to Garfield, Elia Kazan, and Orson Welles, and becoming one dance on and off the ice. Helen taught her children, grandof the featured members of Welles’ Mercury Theatre children and great-grandchildren to skate. In 1982 the company. In 1935, Craven appeared in the Broadway Quanjers moved to Shelburne, Vt., where she immersed production of “Romeo and Juliet,” and in 1937 starred herself in activities and volunteer work. Bringing her liopposite John Garfield on Broadway in “Having Wonderful brary experience to Shelburne she initiated and coordinated the library volunteer program at the Shelburne Library, Time.” Peggy Craven met her future husband, actor Norman where she was a Friend and Trustee. She also volunteered Lloyd, when they worked together with Welles’ Mercury at the famous Shelburne Museum and at the Pillars. At Theater. They reported that they fell in love while they age 80, Helen hung up her skates and took up line dancing. were co-starring in the play Crime, directed by Elia Kazan. Remembered for her bright smile, her great laugh and her singing wherever she went, Helen Quanjer is survived by The couple married in 1936, and remained together for 75 years—something they considered one of the greatest acher daughter, Beth Quackenbush and husband, Bob, six complishments of their Hollywood careers, in a marriage, grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. Besides her known in Hollywood as one of “the longest (and happiest) husband, she was predeceased by her sister, Lorna Lange; in entertainment history,” according to Variety. her daughter, Joanna Halak Bell; and her friend and comThe couple celebrated this feat at an anniversary party panion, Tom Oakes. with Hollywood friends, including HM alumna actor Marsha Hunt ’34, eight weeks before Peggy’s death. The Lloyds became known for their joint appearances Bonnie Prudden ’33 early in their marriage in the acclaimed Federal Theatre Physical Fitness Pioneer Project productions, funded by the Works Progress Administration of the 1930s. By the 1940s, as Norman Horace Mann School reports with Lloyd’s acting career flourished, Peggy Lloyd ventured into sadness the death of Bonnie Prudden ’33, physical fitness pioneer and modeling (appearing on LIFE Magazine covers), and fofounder of Bonnie Prudden cused on raising the couple’s two children. Norman Lloyd Myotherapy®. She passed away at her went to Hollywood to play a Nazi spy in Alfred Hitchcock’s home in Tucson, Arizona on December “Saboteur” in 1942, and the family moved. The Lloyds 11, 2011 at the age of 97. began a long friendship and professional association with With her motto “You can’t turn Hitchcock. By the 1950s, Peggy Lloyd became a close back the clock, but you can wind it up Hitchcock associate, and a pioneer woman director, who directed many of Hitchcock television specials and “Alfred again” Bonnie Prudden inspired countless people through her message of physical fitness, a national movement she Hitchcock Presents” series episodes, including some starRichard Meek/Sports Illustrated—Getty Images Horace Mann Magazine Spring 2012 49

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Spring 2012

Horace Mann - Spring 2012
Greetings From Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings From Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School Celebrates 125 Years
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes

Horace Mann - Spring 2012
