ou Supplies my ake need toject: this pro salt * 1/2 cup XU ÁR FXS DWHUPRUHLI Z S FX ed) d e ne HU XSVDXF QGVNLQ F OO D P 6 ND UHGEODF :KLWH U\OLFSDLQWVLI WRQHDF G GHVLUH DLQWEUXVK UWS 6PDOOD DWHUWRULQVH Z I &XSR K J EUXV LEERQIRUKDQJLQ U U R J 6WULQ Make your own Salt Dough Santa Handprint Ornament have fun making your very own santa handprint christmas ornament to hang on your tree. have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone. Buddy Bear found a photo he likes in this issue - but he likes to see things big - so he zoomed in on his favorite part. Your mission? Mail Buddy Bear a note telling him what page you found the photo on and your age. If you're correct, your name goes into a drawing to win a Buddy Bear drawstring backpack. :H¶OO FKRRVH ¿YH ZLQQHUV each month. Send your answer to: Buddy Bear's "Find The Photo" * P.O. Box 1645 * Jefferson City, MO 65102. Congratulations to last month's winners: Abby Cosby, Mary Rege, Michael Ladd, Patricia Shotts and Andrea Martin. The image was on page 18 - it was the photo of the river. The photo can be viewed in our November digital edition at www.ruralmissouri.coop. This month's entries must be received by December 10. Sorry adults - this contest is for kids 13 and under. 38 RURAL MISSOURI | DECEMBER 2019 Assembly instructio ns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ÀOOLQ VRI6DQWD EHDUGDQG ·VIDFH KDW 8VHWKHH KROGLQJDV [DPSOH%XGG\LV DJXLGHR RZQFOD\G UPDNH\RXU HVLJQhttp://www.ruralmissouri.coop