CONTENTS Volume 74 12 | NOVEMBER 2021 | Number 11 8 44 8 Bridging time IN EVERY ISSUE Community works to save Jenkins Bridge for posterity 12 Called to action Missouris electric co-ops elp fter urricne d 20 The outdoor inheritance Missouri hunting federation trains the next generation 24 Best of Rural Missouri ote for our ow-Me tte forites ON THE COVER 24 Epic failure es blcout cutionr tle for Missouri 44 Flour, water, salt, time and love er nds pece ming bred te old-fsioned w When Hurricane Ida devastated the Gulf Coast, Missouri's lineworkers were quick to respond in a month-long restoration. Read about their efforts bringing back a sense of normalcy on page 12. MISSOURI RURAL NOVEMBER 2021 | 4 Cooperation 5 Perspectives 12 Community 20 Outdoors 34 Eats 39 Recipes 44 Neighbors 49 Events 50 Just4Kids Jenkins Bridge | Fiddle & Stone Bread Co. Nov21_COVER.indd 1 | Cafe B-29 10/12/21 9:14 AM NOVEMBER 2021 | RURALMISSOURI.COOP 3http://www.RURALMISSOURI.COOP