Highlights of the Harold's Famous Bee Co. storefront include, clockwise from top left: Harold's Famous Bee Cream, honey-scented soaps, four types o honey to sample and a ariety o honey stics. hoppers can also nd mead, honey ice cream, decor and more. manda Hutchings says they ant ed a store that was more than just shopping and allowed them to make connections with people around the topic of honey and bees. to make connections with people and just chitchat about bees and nature. My love of beekeeping started in the last several years after researching the venom. Nature has this beautiful symphony going on every day around us and we so often miss it. " Amanda says even online customers from other states will pop in the store. " They've had these great reactions to the product, and they stop in to just see our little storefront here in the middle of a small town America, " she says. " That's pretty amazing. " For more information, visit www.haroldsfamous.com or visit the Harold's Famous Bee Co. storefront at 234 Market St. in Ste. Genevieve. It is one of 500 Missouri companies that are part of the Buy Missouri initiative overseen by Lt. Gov. Mike ehoe. o fi nd Missouri-made products or to enroll your business visit www.BuyMissouri.net. Ste. Genevieve Scan to meet co-owners Harold Gallaher and Amanda Hutchings and learn the history behind Harold's Famous Bee Co. WATCH VIDEO OCTOBER 2023 | RURALMISSOURI.COOP 19http://www.haroldsfamous.com http://www.BuyMissouri.net http://www.RURALMISSOURI.COOP