Ask us about our Barndominium packages WSBSTRONG.COM Smart homeowners around the world have scrapped their old furnaces and air conditioners and replaced them with a WaterFurnace geothermal comfort system. That's because WaterFurnace geothermal systems use the clean, renewable energy in your own backyard to provide savings up to 70% on heating, cooling and hot water. You won't need that old inefficient furnace or that unsightly outdoor air conditioner because a WaterFurnace system provides complete comfort for your home with a single unit.-and with a 30% federal tax credit1 available, now is a great time to contact your local WaterFurnace dealer today! Your Local WaterFurnace Dealers California Rehagen Htg & A/C (573) 455-2394 Cameron ECS Geothermal (816) 532-8334 Rogers Htg & Clg (816) 675-2244 visit us at The Reliable Renewable is a trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc. Chillicothe Foster Refrigeration (660) 707-0797 Joplin Gunlock Htg & Air (417) 624-5203 Kansas City ECS Geothermal (816) 532-8334 Montgomery City Central Htg & Clg (573) 546-3020 Perryville Schumer Brothers (573) 547-6517 Lundy Htg & Air (573) 547-8818 Poplar Bluff Air Solutions (573) 785-1500 Salem Victor Htg & Clg (573) 729-4332 Springfield Krueger Geothermal (417) 883-6395 Troy Peters Htg & A/C (636) 462-5161 Westphalia Rehagen Htg & A/C (573) 455-2394 West Plains Current, Inc. (417) 257-0504 1. 30% through 2032, 26% through 2033, and 22% through 2034 The Reliable Renewable is a trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc. http://www.WSBSTRONG.COM