Camping Safety * STAY TOGETHER Always go in twos. Partner up with an older sibling if you go exploring or have your parent go with you. * KEEP THE CAMPSITE CLEAN If you leave out any food, scraps or garbage, you might have wild animals visiting your campsite, including bears. * DONʻT TOUCH THE CAMPFIRE Do not play with the fi re, embers, lanterns, stoves or grills. * STAY AWAY FROM WILD ANIMALS Never approach wild animals or try to pet them. * ALWAYS CARRY A WHISTLE Carry a safety whistle when camping and hiking in case you lose sight of your parents or canʻt fi nd your way back to camp. * DONʻT EAT ANYTHING YOU FIND Berries, nuts and mushrooms you fi nd in the woods might look good to eat but they could be poisonous. * ALWAYS DRINK WATER Drink plenty of water so you donʻt become dehydrated. * STAY ON THE TRAIL Stick to the trail when hiking and stay within sight of your parents or guardians. * NO BARE FEET Do not run around barefoot when camping to avoid injuries by thorns, rocks and poisonous plants. Use sturdy footwear when hiking trails. * WATCH OUT FOR POISONOUS PLANTS Avoid poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Avoid insect nests so you donʻt get stung. 54 RURAL MISSOURI | MAY 2024 COMPASS FIRE GUITAR Help Buddy Bear follow the trail to the cabin. Help Rudy Raccoon fi nd these words hidden in the puzzle below: ROD TENT LANTERN MOUNTAINS VAN BOAT CAMPER FOREST BIKE MAT WATERFALL BACKBACK How many words can you make from CAMPFIRE? __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ Solution: