South Dakota Vacation Guide 2012 - (Page 280)
Index to topics & advertisers
1880 Train - Black Hills Central Railroad 134, 185, 235 Aberdeen 72-73, 86, 88-89 Aberdeen Aquatic Center 73, 88 Adams Homestead & Nature Preserve 37, 48, 49 Airlines 4, 125 Akaska 110 Akta Lakota Museum 105, 111 Alexander’s Slate Rock Ranch 178, 265 All American Inn - Custer 149, 260 Alpine Inn 177, 265, 267 Al’s Oasis 106, 272 American RV Park & Cabins 245, 271 America’s Best Value Inn - Wall 253, 279 America’s Best Value Inns of South Dakota 122 American Presidents Resort 149, 260, 261 AmericInn Lodge & Suites - Ft. Pierre 103 AmericInn Lodge & Suites - Rapid City 226, 272 Angostura State Recreation Area 126 Archaeology/Paleontology 135, 181, 186, 189 Arlington 77 Armour 31 Arrow Campground 253, 279 Back Roads Inn & Cabins 196, 269 Badlands Nat’l. Park 10, 128, 246-247, 254, 259-260 Battle Creek Lodge 198, 269 Bavarian Inn 157, 260 Bear Butte State Park 127 Bear Country U.S.A. 133, 232, 235 Beaver Lake Campground 155, 261 Beaver Lake Water Park 130 Bed & Breakfasts 57, 86 Belle Fourche 144-145, 260 Best Western Buffalo Ridge Inn 151, 260 Best Western Grahams 245 Best Western Motels of South Dakota 141 Best Western Plains Motel 253, 279 Best Western Ramkota-Sioux Falls 36, 64-65 Best Western Sturgis Inn 241, 278 Bicycle Touring 174-175, 180, 234 Big Sioux Recreation Area 34, 50 Big Sky Lodge 229, 272 Big Stone Lake 80, 86 Big Thunder Gold Mine 129, 206 Bird Watching/Trails 26, 39, 58, 87, 95. 99 Black Hills Attractions 126-139 Black Hills & Badlands Region 116-279 Black Hills Balloons 134, 155 Black Hills Caverns 129, 218 Black Hills Central Reservations 123, 125 Black Hills Coupons 225 Black Hills Gold Jewelry 186, 215 Black Hills Maze 130, 225, 235 Black Hills National Forest 9, 117, 181 Black Hills Trails Office 175 Black Hills Vacation Lodging 186, 265 Black Hills Vacations 123 Black Hills Visitor Info Center 222, 276 Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary 133, 191 Bob’s Resort 105 Bon Home County 52 Bramble Park Zoo 74, 75 Brandon 62 Britton 89 Brookings 78, 89 Brookings Summer Art Festival 78 Brookside Motel 196, 269 Buffalo Interpretive Center 103, 111 Buffalo Restaurant & Bar 245, 272 Burke 110 Bus Tours 124-125, 228 Cactus Cafe 253, 279 Cadillac Jack’s Gaming Resort 163, 226, 265 Calendars of Events 17-20, 58-61, 143, 169 Cambria Suites 212, 273 Camping Reservations 23 Canistota 62 Canoeing 50, 52 Caves 129, 206, 208 Cedar Pass Lodge 248, 259-260 Cedar Shore Resort 105, 106, 110 Center of the Nation Monument 128 Chamberlain 103, 110, 111 Chapel in the Hills 136, 230 Cheyenne Crossing 239, 278 Chief Motel 158, 260
Children’s Museum of South Dakota 78, 89 Choice Hotels of South Dakota 140 Circle B Ranch Supper & Show 134, 137, 187 Clark 90 Clear Lake 90 Clay Bird Shotgun Sports 41 Clay County Recreation Area 34, 51 Clubhouse Hotel & Suites of Pierre 101 Clubhouse Hotel & Suites of Sioux Falls 36, 65 Cogan House North Lodge & Dakota Custom Hunt 40 Comfort Inn - Deadwood 165, 263 Comfort Inn & Suites - Custer 151, 261 Comfort Inn & Suites, Mt. Rushmore Rd. Rapid City 223, 273 Comfort Inn I-90 227, 273 Comfort Suites Hotel & Convention Center 227, 273 Corn Palace 15, 27, 43, 64, 136, 243 Country Inn & Suites - Rapid City 226, 273 Crazy Horse Memorial 8, 139, 156-157 Crook County, Wyo. 256, 258 Crooked Creek Resort, 181, 267 Custer 146-158, 260-263 Custer Crazy Horse Campground 150, 262 Custer Motel 149, 261 Custer State Park 9, 126, 150-155, 262-263 Custer State Park Resorts 152, 262 Custer’s Gulch RV & Campground 158, 262 D.C. Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery 128 Dairy Queen - Wall 253 Dakota Discovery Museum 43, 44, 64 Dakota Entrees 231, 233 Dakota Dunes 62 Dakota HorizInn 41 Dakota Magic Casino 77 Dakota Sioux Casino 75 Dakota State Fair Speedway 83 Days Inn I-90 227, 273 Deadwood 159-171, 263-265 Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort 166, 265 Dell Rapids 63 Delmont 31 De Smet 79, 90, 91 De Smet Super Deluxe Inn & Suites 79, 90 Devils Tower Trading Post 257, 258 Devils Tower, Wyo. 128, 255-258 Dinosaur Park 135, 231 Eagle Butte 111 Econo Lodge of Custer 151, 261 Econo-Lodge of Mt. Rushmore 205, 269 Econo Lodge - Wall 253, 279 Edgar’s Soda Fountain 50 Edgemont 265 Elk Creek Resort & Lodge 220, 273 Elk Point 34, 49, 63 Emery 31
Eureka 84 Evans Plunge 130, 190 Executive Lodging of the Black Hills 167, 264 Fairfield Inn - Rapid City 226, 273 Faith 265 Falls Park 16, 26 Faulkton 84, 91 Festival of Books 61 First Gold Hotel 169, 264, 265 Fish ‘n Fry Campground & RV Park 171, 264 Fishing 4, 11, 32, 46-47, 54, 81, 171, 181, 239 Flintstone’s Bedrock City 130, 154, 262 Fort Hays Chuckwagon 137, 229 Fort Pierre 111 Fort Randall Casino & Hotel 109 Fort Sisseton State Park 16 Freeman 63 Frontier Cabins 253, 254, 279 G.T.O. Cafe 245, 272 Gambling 75, 77, 99, 104, 163, 165, 167-169 Garretson 63 Gary 86 Geddes 112 Geographic Center of the Nation 128, 144 George S. Mickelson Trail 13, 126, 174-175 Geo-caching 44, 184 Gettysburg 105, 112 Glacial Lakes Area Recreational Opportunities 85, 94 Glacial Lakes & Prairies Region 68-95, 86 Glacial Lakes Visitors Guide 87 Gold Camp Cabins 155, 261 Gold Mines 129, 173, 184, 206 Golden Buffalo Casino 104 Golfing 57, 132, 180-181 Governors Inn 102 Grand River Casino 99 Gray Line Sightseeing Tours 125, 225 Great American Road Trip 118-119, 153, 203-204, 245, 248 Great Bear Recreation Area 27 Great Lakes Region 96-115 Great Lakes Visitor & Sportsman’s Guide 99 Great Outdoors 26-27, 32-38, 44, 50, 52, 81, 82, 85, 99, 150-153, 155, 180-181, 184 Great Plains Zoo 32 Gregory 112 Gulches of Fun Amusement Park 130, 165 Hampton Inn - Rapid City 219, 273 Happy Holiday Camp/Motel 234, 273, 275 Harley Davidson 37, 66 Harrisburg 63 Heritage Village 156 Highmore 112 High Country Guest Ranch 179, 266 Hiking 36, 181 Hill City 176-187, 265-268 Historic Bullock Hotel 162, 264 Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Rapid City 233, 274
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of South Dakota Vacation Guide 2012
South Dakota Vacation Guide 2012
Getting Here, Getting Around
Interstate Information Centers
State Facts
Native American Information
Places of Interest
Calendar of Events
Public Campgrounds and Recreation Areas
Southeast Region: A slice of South Dakota charm
Glacial Lakes & Prairies Region: Stories from the frontier
Great Lakes Region: Land of the mighty Missouri
Black Hills, Badlands & Lakes Region: Enchanting mountain getaway
Black Hills map
South Dakota Vacation Guide 2012