Professional Development Committee SEAHO Virtual Case Study Competition Want to sharpen your higher education knowledge? Join us for the annual Case Study Competition by signing up by January 10, 2025 using the link below. The Case Study Competition will be held on February 13th. There will be two tracks, one for graduate students, and one for entry level professionals. Participants will be paired and then given a prompt to present to a panel of judges during the professional development session on February 13, 2025 at 2 p.m. EST. Winners will be announced during the annual SEAHO Conference. Link for Sign Up: Dr. Christian Wells (she/her), Committee Chair Interested in joining the committee or learning more? Contact us at Program Committee Program Proposals We were thrilled to receive 173 program proposals by the close of the call for programs for SEAHO 2025. Thank you to each person who took the time to create a proposal in order to share your knowledge and insights with the region. A shoutout to our content development subcommittee who worked to spread the word about program proposals in new venues and facilitated the collection of presenter nominations. Following the deadline for program submissions, state reps and members of the program committee were assigned proposals within specific topic areas and shared their feedback with our travel team. That team provided keen insights as we created our slate at the Mid-Year meeting in Huntsville. The slate was finalized with an intentional focus on providing a robust assortment of programs that provided engagement and learning for the many audience levels, functional areas, and institution types while balancing state representation. Below you can see the acceptance rates by topic area, target audience and state representation. 15