Some programming strategies we have found success with at Appalachian State University, in Boone, NC, came from re-addressing needs through how we structured our overall programming model. We have shifted away from our curricular model to have our RAs focus on solely doing social programs and community building. All educational programs fall to our Graduate and Professional staff to provide for residents, with the help and consideration of our campus partners. We have also shifted to doing a lot of stop-at-the-front door activities [right at the RA desk] that students can participate in and then walk away with any supporting educational materials they can review on their own time. For generations now, American society has put college education on a pedestal: one seemingly available to all those that apply. Now more than ever, we are witnessing the dichotomy between those who seek college education and those who do not and the value of a college education is being questioned. We took for granted the skills that previous groups of students came to college with. This is a call to arms to change how we look at the education system we are working in, the students we are working with and the value of a college degree. I am hopeful that this will be the beginning of a discussion as to where we go from here and how we can support each other in the SEAHO region. 27