Training Industry Quarterly - Fall 2009 - (Page 25)
[STRATEGIES] Creating Effective Learning Measurement DASHBOARDS B Y J E F F R E Y B E R K A “dashboard” is defined as a convenient place for vital information organized into a graphical representation that is both easy to use and easy to understand. The dashboard should be a visualization of summary data so executives can glean insight into the performance of learning. This article discusses the enablers for creating effective learning measurement dashboards. reinvent the wheel. There are many great resources for learning metrics, including ASTD, KnowledgeAdvisors and ROI Institute. In addition there is research from the Learning & Development Roundtable in which numerous L&D organizations participated to look at L&D scorecards. Identify Macro Learning Constructs A Macro Learning Construct is Research Learning Metrics a small, well-balanced set of broad The first step is to learn what learning metric classifications that others have done first so you don’t summarize the results of the entire L&D organization. There are four macro learning constructs we suggest: 1. Operational 2. Financial 3. Performance 4. Cultural Operational constructs answer the question, “How much did we train?” It is mostly volume or activity data, typically in a learning management or registration system. Financial constructs answer the question, “What’s the benefit, cost or income statement impact?” Training Industry Quarterly, Fall 2009 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine /
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