Training Industry Quarterly - Fall 2009 - (Page 34)
F O C A L P O I N T ORGANIZATIONAL ENABLERS OF GOOD MEASUREMENT BY TRACY HOLLISTER L earning leaders are well-aware that organizational factors outside their training departments can help or hinder their work. A recent study with sales executives revealed four conditions that allow companies to effectively measure the impact of initiatives, including training. These four enablers of good measurement are: Leadership Commitment Focus on Analysis Before Action Adequate Measurement Resources A Robust Data Infrastructure Interestingly, these same enablers also help training organizations create higher-impact training. So what are these enablers and how do they drive better training? Leadership Commitment Study participants emphasized that company leaders champion a culture of accountability when they demand results, support the collection of metrics and take action on those metrics. In requiring departments to provide impact metrics, they are held accountable for not only reporting but getting results. Like other departments, training departments benefit from this focus on results when they are given clear objectives and metrics to gauge an initiative’s success. How does this improve training? Training content that is sharply focused around meeting business objectives and metrics is more likely to be successful in improving those metrics than training that is Training Industry Quarterly, Fall 2009 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine /
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