Training Industry Quarterly - Spring 2009 - (Page 6)
IN THIS ISSUE INFO FOCAL POINT: EXCHANGE PEER REVIEWS: 26 Driving Corporate Performance through Learning Partnerships By Tracy Hollister Learning is truly a group effort in today’s corporation, with learning leaders orchestrating change with the assistance of internal resources and external partnerships. We offer information to help you ensure your players are working in harmony. 30 Meet Dale Towery Dale Towery’s worked in some of the toughest training gigs available, from the U.S. Army to hospitality and now healthcare. In his role at Medical Staffing Network, Towery is helping to keep nurses and other health professionals where they’re needed most. 32 Meet Milynda Weis Milynda Weis may be the only learning leader who can talk educational theory while installing your cable television. In her role training technicians for SuddenLink Communications, Weis has found lasting value in being able to walk the walk. CASEBOOK: 34 The American Heart Association: Learn and Live By Tim Sosbe Pardon the expression, but learning is at the heart of the American Heart Association’s mission. American Heart University arms employees and volunteers with the knowledge and tools to make a difference in people’s lives. AD INDEX You’re just one click away from the industry’s leading suppliers. BRAINSHARK 2 LEARNING CONTENT NETWORK 4 VISIONARY SERIES 8 TRAININGINDUSTRY.COM 10 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION 12 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY 14 ASTD 18 ENSPIRE LEARNING 22 QUICK LINK: MICHAEL F. ANDREW 29 QUICK LINK: TOM O’TOOLE 29 QUICK LINK: THE PEOPLE PROCESS 29 QUICK LINK: TRAINING PROS 29 TRAINING INDUSTRY QUARTERLY 29 ACS LEARNING SERVICES 37 6 Training Industry Quarterly, Spring 2009 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine /
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Training Industry Quarterly - Spring 2009