[COVER STORY] THE HUMAN CAPITAL LIFE CYCLE: Strategically Managing Talent and Training B Y J O Y C E A . T H O M P S E N or organizations, a theme resulting from the economic downturn is the emergence of new talent pools as some industries downsize while others grow. As a consequence, training becomes a critical focus to ensure that new employees start with the skills necessary to achieve both personal and organizational success. Human capital management and training unquestionably remain a significant business issue—and there are ways to apply a systematic, comprehensive approach to connect an organization’s overall strategy with plans for training, finding, retaining and advancing the right people. This happens through the six stages of the employee life cycle. Training Industry Quarterly, Winter 2010 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine / www.trainingindustry.com/TIQhttp://www.trainingindustry.com/TIQ