HOW DATA-DRIVEN FEEDBACK IS FOSTERING IMPROVEMENT & ENHANCING HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS * Out-of-the-box workshops or computerbased trainings that are meant to be a one-size-fits-all program but, in reality, are far too generic to create any lasting change. The programs in either category offer very little immediate (or long-term) evidence of return on investment (ROI), making it difficult for HR departments to discern whether their investment is making a difference in the organization and its people. There must be another option. There must be a way to offer detailed, personalized feedback to large groups of employees without busting the budget - and there must be a way to track those BY NOAH ZANDAN employees' progress to demonstrate the business value of a quality L&D program. THE ANSWER: AI-DRIVEN LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT In recent years, we've been able to harness the power of machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize a number of workplace systems and processes, from recruiting and hiring to billing to customer service and beyond. What's exciting is that we can now do the same with L&D initiatives. Advances in behavioral science give us the power to design programs that provide data-driven feedback and lasting improvement at scale, giving savvy organizations a true competitive advantage in today's corporate landscape by empowering them to provide employees with the learning opportunities they crave. These innovations are grounded in one key idea: that technology can accurately assess the performance capabilities of people significantly better than we can. This empowers L&D teams to take the human coaches and workshop facilitators out of the equation with programs designed to measure users' proficiency in a given area and offer adaptive, personalized learning at scale. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MAGAZ INE -LEARNING ANALYTICS 20 19 I WWW. T RAININGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 43