FEATURES 18 DRIVING LEADERSHIP DIVERSITY 18 22 26 30 35 38 30 44 THE NEUROSCIENCE OF ALLYSHIP THE POWER OF MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION TRAINING'S ROLE IN DRIVING LEADERSHIP DIVERSITY By Laura Smith Dunaief Learning professionals have an obligation to help their organizations do better. PERSPECTIVE-TAKING IN VIRTUAL REALITY By Amy Lou Abernethy Perspective-taking fosters workplace cultures characterized by empathy and collaboration. THE LEADERSHIP PROBLEM OF INEQUITY By Berkley Baker, DBA, MBA, and Sam Shriver, Ed.D. Assess leadership's role in combating inequality and fostering equitable workplaces. THE NEUROSCIENCE OF ALLYSHIP By Grace Chang, Ph.D. and Samad Aidane, M.S. Systemic change requires a systemic approach to creating allies in the workplace. CONVERSATIONS THAT CATALYZE COMPLEX CHANGE By Dianna Anderson Adapt your organization's approach to communication to catalyze meaningful change. PRACTICING INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP: HOW LEADERS CAN TAKE ACTION TO IMPROVE DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE By Emily Hastings Inclusive leadership starts at the top with commitment, intention and accountability. 42 44 RAISING THE BAR ON DIVERSITY TRAINING By Andrew Rawson Deepen learners' awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion with impactful training. CREATE COMMUNITY IN YOUR ORGANIZATION THROUGH THE POWER OF MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS By Natasha Miller Williams Promote employee wellness and inclusion by creating more opportunities for connection. 48 LEADING WITH AUTHENTICITY IN A HYBRID WORLD By Scott Simmons Lead your hybrid workforce into the future with transparency and authenticity. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MAGAZ INE - BUILDING AN EQUITABLE W ORKP L AC E I WWW. T RAI NINGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE |7https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine