FEATURES 16 21 24 28 32 36 LEARNING IN THE BLENDED WORKPLACE: DESIGN IDEAS FOR A DISTRIBUTED WORKFORCE By Daila Boufford Work environments are no longer defined by physical location - your training shouldn't be, either. ENABLE EXPERT PERFORMANCE WITH ADAPTIVE LEARNING By Michael J. Noble, Ph.D. Transformation calls for mastery and higher levels of expert performance. TAKING THE VIRTUAL ROUTE TO LEADERSHIP TRAINING By Dr. RK Prasad Virtual leadership training can be effective - Here are some tips to foster well-rounded virtual learners. CULTURE'S INFLUENCE ON GLOBAL AND REMOTE LEARNING By Neha Trivedi, MA, CPTM L&D must consider the cultural contexts with which learners approach their own learning. THE 5 PARADOXES OF LEADING IN A HYBRID WORKPLACE By Steve Dion The workplace has changed. Hybrid leadership requires new skills and strategies to be successful. 3 STEPS FOR SUCCESSFUL REMOTE ONBOARDING By Deeptanshu Tiwari Remote onboarding presents unique challenges. Learn how to improve the digital training experience. 38 42 46 50 54 58 THE FUTURE OF WORK REQUIRES DEVELOPMENT EQUITY By Stephen Bailey A strategic and equitable approach is needed to prepare a future-ready team of leaders at all levels. MAKING THE LEAP: CORRELATION TO CAUSATION By Bonnie Beresford Correlation isn't enough to prove training's worth to stakeholders; you must prove direct causation. L&D'S ROLE IN DEVELOPING COMPANY CULTURE By Vanessa Wiltshire With the increasing need for training, L&D has a growing opportunity to shape workplace culture. BETTER SELLING STARTS WITH BETTER BUSINESS ACUMEN By Sara Wolski A more holistic view - of yourself and your clients - will give your salespeople the edge they need. CORPORATE GENDER RESPONSIBILITY: A NEW PARADIGM FOR ENGAGING AND DEVELOPING WOMEN By Alexia Vernon L&D is uniquely positioned to build a robust leadership pipeline for women in the workplace. THE BURNOUT REVOLUTION By John Earls Burnout is at an all-time high, but L&D can turn the tides by focusing on employee wellness. TRAINING INDUSTRY MAGAZINE - SPRING 2022 I WWW.TRAININGINDUSTRY.COM/MAGAZINE | 5https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine