IN THIS ISSUE 3 9 11 13 THOUGHT LEADERS FROM THE EDITOR By Michelle Eggleston Schwartz, CPTM Empathy, compassion and clear communication are needed to support employees. GUEST EDITOR By Kathleen Federici, M.Ed. L&D must develop positive and confident employees in the face of change. WHAT'S NEXT IN TECH By Stella Lee, Ph.D. The edtech market is crowded. Here are some considerations when making a purchasing decision. BUILDING LEADERS By Sam Shriver and Marshall Goldsmith True employee engagement leads to higher productivity and lower turnover. 15 63 65 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION By Dr. Kristal Walker, CPTM Consider these key points in the employee life cycle to ramp up your engagement efforts. CAREER DEVELOPMENT By Julie Winkle Giulioni Some businesses have flourished over the past several years - let's take a look at what sets them apart. SCIENCE OF LEARNING By Srini Pillay, M.D. Employees who cite a lack of opportunity as a reason for quitting might need to shift their perception. INFO EXCHANGE 60 66 CASEBOOK Sam's Club is retaining workers - and building its next generation of leaders - by investing in L&D. CLOSING DEALS Pluralsight and Go1 partner to address the growing global tech skills shortage. 67 COMPANY NEWS Keep up with the latest in the training industry by reading news from the last quarter. CONNECT WITH US 1 (866) 298-4203 | 6