Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 20

a humBle Bean B for morE tHan Six dEcadES, tHE StinE namE HaS bEEn SynonymouS witH SoybEanS. firSt witH bill StinE’S SoybEan clEaning opEration, tHEn witH tHE brEEding and rEtail opErationS introducEd undEr Harry. in tHE 60+ yEarS SincE, StinE HaS grown to dominatE tHE domEStic SoybEan gEnEticS markEt. tHE company can rigHtfully claim to HavE HElpEd dEvElop a majority of tHE SoybEan gEnEticS plantEd EacH yEar in tHE unitEd StatES. Launched as “Home of the New Varieties” in 1979, by the mid 80s, Stine quickly had a marketing organization spanning from the Appalachians to the Rockies and had annual sales in excess of 500,000 units. More progress was made in the mid 90s when Stine became the first company in history to receive a U.S. patent on a soybean seed. Patents on two soybeans — Stine 1570, patent #5304728, and 2550, patent #5304729 — protect the seed, the plant, the pollen and the ovule. More firsts soon followed. Stine developed the first commercially released biotech soybean (Stine 1580), introduced the first Group 1 Roundup Ready® soybeans and was among the first to offer STS® soybeans into the marketplace. The Stine retail soybean brand has grown to become the most respected, highestyielding brand in the industry — releasing more than 200 new soybeans in the past decade. And Stine continues to lead the world in the development of new and better soybean varieties. The company screens approximately 1 million unique varieties each year in what has become the world’s largest private soybean breeding program. The near future will see improved genetics and traits — as well as new and exciting uses — for this humble bean upon which the Stine family has built one of the nation’s most respected ag companies. And it goes without saying that Stine will be there leading the way. P 20

Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed

Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed
The Early Years
1979 and early 80s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover2
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Contents
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - The Early Years
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 3
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 4
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 5
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 6
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1979 and early 80s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 8
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 9
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 10
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1984-1990
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 12
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 13
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 14
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 15
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 16
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 17
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 18
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1991-1999
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 20
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 21
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 22
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 2000s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 24
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 25
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 26
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 27
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 28
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 29
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Future
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 31
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 32
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover3
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover4