Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 5

F A C U LT Y & S T U D E N T S

A glimpse into how drugs are covered by Medicaid
between	a	patient	continuing	with	their	therapy	 or	stopping	out	of	frustration.”	 The	panel,	comprised	of	seven	physicians,	two	 client	representatives	and	four	pharmacists	 (including	two	SOP	faculty	members),	reviewed	 research	conducted	by	the	students,	listened	 to	public	testimony	regarding	the	medications,	 discussed	side	effects	and	interactions,	and	then	 made	recommendations	as	to	which	drugs	should	 be	paid	for	by	Medicaid.	Drugs	for	the	treatment	 of	rheumatoid	arthritis,	depression,	nausea,	ulcers	 and	hypertension	were	under	review. “This	is	one	of	the	first	steps	in	determining	 which	drugs	make	it	onto	the	PDL,”	says	Joseph	Vande	Griend,	PharmD,	faculty	member	 and	panelist.	An	evidence-based	PDL	is	a	formal	 published	list	of	preferred	drugs	selected	for	their	 efficacy,	safety	and	cost-effectiveness,	based	on	 documented	scientific	evidence.	“We	really	want	 to	show	students	how	this	works,	and	how	the	 safety	and	efficacy	of	the	drugs	are	among	the	 most	important	considerations	–	not	cost.”	 So	Johnson,	along	with	159	of	his	fellow	PharmD	 students,	became	a	participant	in	the	process.	 As	an	assignment	for	their	pharmacoeconomics	class,	students	were	required	to	research	the	 medications,	comparing	effectiveness	and	what	 treatments	worked	best	for	a	variety	of	populations.	That	information	was	then	supplied	to		 the	panel. “The	students	were	exposed	to	the	concept	of	 comparative	effectiveness	research	to	help	provide	 an	objective	assessment	of	the	medications,”		 says	Anne	Libby,	PhD,	associate	professor	and	 course	director	for	pharmacoeconomics. “By	compiling	the	data	and	listening	to	the		 professional	exchange,	they	got	to	see	the	depth	 and	thoroughness	involved	in	the	process	and	 secondarily	helped	the	panel	maximize	its	time.” In	addition	to	the	research	reviewed,	the	public	 had	opportunity	to	testify.	Both	drug	makers	and	 physicians	who	have	first-hand	experience	with	 the	medications	presented.	The	panel	discussed	 the	pros	and	cons	of	each	medication	and	posed	 follow-up	questions	to	the	drug	representatives	 and	physicians.	“The	numbers	are	extremely	 important,	but	listening	to	the	clinically-relevant	 opinions	of	the	panelists	and	the	extensive	debate	 that	ensued	was	insightful,”	says	Johnson. For	Johnson	knowing	how	PDL’s	are	formulated	 is	important.	“Whether	you	work	in	a	hospital	 or	community	pharmacy,	if	you	are	unable	to	 educate	a	patient	to	the	process,	that	person	may	 assume	that	it	is	strictly	a	cost	issue	and	believe	 they	are	receiving	suboptimal	care.”	 In	the	end,	understanding	the	process	and	being	 able	to	explain	it	may	help	create	a	better,	more	 compliant	patient.

Third-year pharmacy student Eric Johnson

“I now have an answer for a Medicaid patient who wonders why their medication is not covered.”


ver	wonder	why	some	medications	are	 covered	by	the	Medicaid	outpatient		 pharmacy	benefit	plan	and	others	are	not?	

Pharmacy	students	got	a	glimpse	into	how	drugs	 make	it	onto	the	state’s	Preferred	Drug	List	(PDL)	 when	the	Medicaid	Pharmacy	and	Therapeutics	 Review	Panel	recently	met	on	the	Anschutz		 Medical	Campus	(AMC).	 “I	now	have	an	answer	for	a	Medicaid	patient	who	 wonders	why	their	medication	is	not	covered,”	 says	third-year	pharmacy	student	Eric	Johnson.	 “This	simple	explanation	may	be	the	difference	

Drs. Vande Griend and Libby consult during Medicaid Review panel meeting at AMC

Faculty members Robert Page, PharmD (left) and Vande Griend (right), serve as experts on the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Review Committee, volunteering hundreds of hours every year to assist the Department of Health Care Policy and Finance develop and manage the Medicaid Preferred Drug List. In addition, Page also chairs the Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board that examines drug value. Anne Libby, PhD, faculty in pharmaceutical outcomes research, made it possible for the students to obtain insider knowledge of the PDL process by organizing and hosting the October Medicaid Pharmacy and Therapeutics Review panel at AMC.

Fall 2010



Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010

Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010
Professional Service
Mysteries of Medicaid
Peruvian Adventure
Paying it Forward
Alumni News
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Trick-or-Treat
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 2
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Professional Service
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 4
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Mysteries of Medicaid
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Peruvian Adventure
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 7
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Paying it Forward
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 9
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Alumni News
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - 11
Pharmacy Perspectives - Fall 2010 - Cover4