Battery Power - Winter 2014 - (Page 5)
Editor's Choice
UPS Battery Monitoring System by Eagle Eye
Power Solutions
Eagle Eye Power Solutions has released the iPQMS-Pro
real-time battery monitoring system, specifically designed for
UPS battery monitoring. The iPQMS-Pro is a scalable system
designed to monitor the health of critical battery systems by
measuring string voltage and current, jar/cell voltage and impedance, connection resistance and temperature.
The iPQMS-Pro battery monitoring system measures critical
battery parameters via clamps connected to the inter-cell connections of the battery system. A single system includes an MPU
(main processing unit) and all required cables and clamps for
installation. One MPU can connect to 48 cells (or 48 jars). Up to
ten MPU's can be configured in daisy-chain for monitoring up to
480 cells (or 480 jars).
The iPQMS-Pro comes complete with Eagle Eye's Centroid
Battery Management Software, which allows all battery systems
to be monitored 24 hours
a day / 365 days a year
via a remote computer.
The iPQMS-Pro records,
trends and report data
against user-defined tolerances. In the event that
a measured parameter
is out of tolerance, an
outbreak alarm will occur in the software and
email/SMS alerts will
be generated. Immediate warnings of battery deterioration and
failure will prolong the life of UPS batteries and reduce the need
for costly battery maintenance and replacement. The iPQMSPro is well suited for monitoring and predicting the health and
performance of UPS cabinets, telecom systems and other backup
power systems.
Panasonic and Tesla Reach Agreement to Expand
Supply of Automotive-Grade Battery Cells
Panasonic Corp. and Tesla Motors have reached an agreement in which Panasonic will expand its supply of automotivegrade lithium-ion battery cells to Tesla. With this agreement, the
two companies update and expand their 2011 arrangement to
now supply nearly 2 billion cells over the course of four years.
The lithium-ion battery cells purchased from Panasonic will be
used to power the award winning Model S as well as Model X, a
performance utility vehicle that is scheduled to go into production by the end of 2014.
This agreement builds upon a multi-year collaboration between Panasonic and Tesla to develop next-generation automotive-grade battery cells and accelerate the market expansion
of electric vehicles. Panasonic's cells combined with Tesla's
proven EV battery expertise have already enabled more than 130
million customer miles driven in Tesla Roadsters and Model S.
Together, Panasonic and Tesla have developed a next-generation battery cell technology that provides the highest energy
density and best performance cells in the market. Panasonic's
cylindrical cell is a customized technology designed specifically
for optimizing electric vehicle quality and life. These cells are
integrated by Tesla into the battery pack in a way that enables a
range of approximately 265 miles for the Model S.
NREL to Research Revolutionary Battery Storage
Approaches in Support of ARPA-E RANGE Program
The Energy Department's Advanced Research Projects
Agency - Energy (ARPA-E) has announced that a project at the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is among 22
projects that will receive funding to develop transformational
electric vehicle (EV) energy storage systems using innovative
chemistries, architectures and designs.
ARPA-E's program, Robust Affordable Next Generation
Energy Storage Systems (RANGE), aims to accelerate widespread EV adoption by dramatically improving driving range
and reliability, and by providing low-cost carbon alternatives to
today's vehicles.
"We're very excited about the opportunity to work on a drastically different battery technology for EVs," said NREL project
lead Jeremy Neubauer. "Not only does it have the potential to
meet the demanding safety, cost and performance levels for EVs
set by ARPA-E, but it could do so sustainably. This project will
allow us to build on our preliminary findings and move closer to
creating a battery system that will allow the next generation of
EVs to drive further and more safely."
Working closely with project partners EIC Laboratories and
Chemtura Corp., NREL will use organic energy storage materials to develop a new low-cost battery that operates similar to a
flow battery, where chemical energy is stored in liquid anolytes
and catholytes that flow through an electrode to charge and
discharge the system.
Today's state-of-the-art flow batteries are generally low in
energy density, have poor efficiency, suffer reliability issues and
as such are largely unsuitable for transportation applications.
However, NREL's EV battery technology will deploy newly developed, high energy, renewable organic compounds in modified
system architecture to overcome these shortfalls.
"We are excited to see NREL developing a new low-cost
flow battery using organic energy storage materials," said
ARPA-E program director Dr. Ping Liu. "NREL's electric vehicle liquid battery will use newly developed, renewable organic
compounds to increase energy density and reduce cost. This fits
well with RANGE's program funding high risk and high reward
transformational technologies."
Daikin America Receives Funding to Develop
Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries
Daikin Industries has received a $900,000 grant from the
Department of Energy (DOE) to develop advanced high performance electrolytes, based on fluorochemistries, which will allow
lithium ion batteries to operate at higher voltages and temperatures. A manufacturer of fluorochemicals, Daikin is positioned to
supply high performance electrolyte formulations for lithium ion
Winter 2014 * Battery Power
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Battery Power - Winter 2014
Editor’s Choice
IDT Announces Next-Generation WPC 1.1 Wireless Power Receiver for Portable Applications
NREL to Research Battery Storage Approaches in
Support of ARPA-E RANGE Program
UPS Goes Green to Save Green
When Rubber Stamping is Not Enough
Purdue University Project Aims to Mass-Produce
‘Nanopetals’ for Sensors, Batteries
Growth in Battery Industry Sparks the Need for Battery Innovation Center
ORNL-Grown Oxygen ‘Sponge’ Presents Path to
Better Catalysts, Energy Materials
New Products
ICs & Semiconductors
Charging, Testing & Monitoring
ICs & Semiconductors
Industry News
Battery Power - Winter 2014