The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 5

cover feature

is NOT



By Ann M. Gynn

oney is like any other social tool—and that’s all I think money is. There can be good uses of money and bad uses,” says Norman Kurland, managing director of the investment banking firm Equity Expansion International and president of the Center for Economic and Social Justice, a non-profit think tank. Highly paid CEOs of failing companies, billion-dollar bailouts and nefarious ethics of executives make the headlines and further cement the idea to many that money is evil or at least problematic. So how does a company and its executives go about conveying money really can be a good thing and earning bigger profits is good for everybody? Make the case and get buy-in from all the stakeholders, from clients and employees to vendors.

Raise the emotion Ted Sun, chief dream maker at Executive Balance, an executive consulting firm, and author of Survival Tactics: Top 10 Behaviors of Entrepreneurs, has shared his insight across the country with BizJournals, NBC News and Academy of Management and International Business. His advice? Refocus the conversation to identify money as a means to an end. “By doing that, people will become a lot more attached to their core values,” Sun says. “So many people are

Continued on page 6



The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF

The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF
Money is not evil
5 talked-about tech trends – should you care?
News and information from our firm
Bits & pieces
Experts talk about how to fly your business into the global marketplace
Top 10 things about doing business in ... China
Workplace: Acquisition leads to merger of office policies, cultures
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 2
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Contents
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Money is not evil
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 5
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 6
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 7
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 5 talked-about tech trends – should you care?
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - News and information from our firm
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 10
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 11
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 12
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Bits & pieces
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Experts talk about how to fly your business into the global marketplace
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 15
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Top 10 things about doing business in ... China
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 17
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - Workplace: Acquisition leads to merger of office policies, cultures
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 19
The Leading Edge - Summer 2011 - PKF - 20