PROVIDER PROFILE MADISON PERFORMANCE GROUP Address: 18 East 41st Street, 13th Floor New York, NY, 10017 Country: United States Phone: 212-758-4385 Fax: 212-653-1290 Website: Twitter: @madisonpgroup Facebook: madisonperformancegroup/ LinkedIn: company/madison-performance-group E-mail: CEO: Werner Haase engage an audience; measurably identify leadership traits; effectively motivate tangible potential; and sharply incent individuals. Madison leverages scientific principles to guide desirable change of human behavior and elevate performance. GEOGRAPHIC FOOTPRINT 126 countries SCOPE OF SERVICES VITAL STATISTICS Year founded: 1974 Number of employees: 200 Number of facilities: 7 WHO WE ARE As a global leader in Social Recognition, Madison delivers intuitive and multifaceted Recognition, Incentive and Service Anniversary programs powered by Maestro, our uniquely configurable cloud-based SaaS technology. Designed to solve an organization's unique business issues, Madison's approach encompasses the totality of a company's performance drivers and focuses on the individuals responsible for ultimate success-employees, sales and channel partners. Our performance and sales boosting methods coupled with powerful analytics and innovative solutions give management the power to purposefully Employee Recognition Sales & Channel Incentives Service Anniversary Group Incentive Travel & Meeting Services Werner Haase, CEO KEY CLIENTS Takeda Juniper Accenture Siemens Ricoh