ppyj pygpypp nity to engage with the candidate earlier and begin the recruiting process sooner. Further, a slow response to the candidate at any phase of the recruiting process leads to a bad impression of the hiring company, one that can be shared though informal candidate peer networks and social media. HRO Today Research Figure 1: Time Between Application and Response Time Between Application and Response HR/TA 1.1% 6.7% 25.6% 11.1% 33.3% 4.4% 66.7% 51.1% 20 40 60 80 100 Hourly 6.8 © 2020 SharedXpertise Salaried 9.2 RESEARCH FLASH REPORT Hourly Average Days: Figure 2: Sources For Salaried Versus Hourly Position Sources Used When Looking for a Position HR Practices in Hourly and Salaried Employee Recruiting Vs. New Employee Views HR/TA 3 New Employees Hourly Salary Hourly Salary % % Referrals Indeed Company Career Site LinkedIn CareerBuilder Except for a minority of hourly employees that use LinkedIn, these patterns also hold true for candidates seeking new positions. Facebook Newspaper or magazine ad Nearly two-thirds (64.4 percent) of the time, recruiters communicate with candidates for hourly positions usually or always using email (see Figure 3 on page 48). The use of email is even higher for candidates for salaried positions, clocking in at 81.1 percent of the time. Sixtyeight percent of hourly employees and 82.0 percent of salaried employees prefer email communication during Signage Monster Craigslist Twitter Instagram 69.0 69.0 49.3 22.5 18.3 14.1 14.1 7.0 60.6 56.3 52.1 85.9 15.5 the interview process despite the widespread use of text messaging. 9.9 1.4 0.0 7.0 1.4 1.4 MAY 2020 0.0 0.0 21.0 5.0 4.0 22.0 7.0 HR and talent acquisition practitioners are quite clear that the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled technology must be disclosed to candidates. About threequarters of recruiters indicated that it is important to reveal that AI technology is being used in a candidate interaction for both hourly and salaried positions. 2.0 5.6 5.2 22.0 19.0 5.0 4.0 23.0 6.0 Recruiter opinions about why salaried employees accept 2.8 3.0 | www.hrotoday.com 5.0 [47] % 28.0 84.0 33.0 35.0 31.0 % 28.0 65.0 39.0 62.0 28.0 Salaried 8.610.3 Volume 4, Issue 1 New Employees 3.0% 7.0% 19.0% More than 1 month 39.0% 36.0% Between 2 weeks to 1 month Between 1 to 2 weeks One day to 1 week 50.0% 42.0% 3.0%http://www.hrotoday.com