HRO Today Forum EMEA Leadership: The Heart of HR Meet our global 2016 CHRO of the Year and Talent Acquisition Leader of the Year Award fi nalists who are bringing their teams to triumph. By Christa Elliott At HRO Today, we value the importance of CHROs as they drive workforce initiatives through innovation and with results. We recognize and celebrate their efforts with our CHRO of the Year Awards. We covered our North American fi nalists and winners earlier this year. Now we announce our EMEA fi nalists. 2016 marks the second annual CHRO of the Year EMEA Awards-these honors go to CHROs with the abilities to adapt to a constantly changing and challenging business environment while delivering the people skills companies need. The Talent Acquisition Leader of the Year Awards represent the role that talent plays as a critical organizational asset. The leaders who drive talent initiatives are directly responsible for attracting and retaining top performers and therefore deserve to be recognized for their important contributions to their organizations by and large. Below are six CHRO fi nalists and seven talent acquisition leader fi nalists selected from a roundup of incredible nominees. The fi nalists are listed by award category, then alphabetically. These are all of our fi nalists at press time. [50] HRO TODAY MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2016