Industry Research 83% of employees report a positive experience when they feel recognized for the good work they do, compared to 38 percent that don't receive recognition. more critical as the boundaries between humans and technology become progressively blurred. New research has some interesting findings around the employee experience. The Employee Experience Index: A New Global Measure of a Human Workplace and its Impact, from the IBM Smarter Workforce Institute and Globoforce's WorkHuman Research Institute, explores five core facets of the modern employee experience, which all complement the influence of workplace culture. These include: * sense of belonging * purpose * achievement * happiness * vigor In order to enhance each of these five facets, the study It's now imperative for company leaders to listen regularly to their employees and understand the nature of their experiences in order to continually improve. finds that company leaders and managers need to provide a high level of clarity and direction. Of those surveyed, only 56 percent of employees felt their senior leaders provide clear direction about where the organization is headed. The study also examines the organizational practices that drive " humanness " at work, including organizational trust; supportive coworker relationships; meaningful work; recognition, feedback and growth; empowerment and voice; and work-life balance. There were several key findings around these talent-driven topics: * Keeping positive. A positive work experience has the power to help organizations retain their talent. NOVEMBER 2016 | [61]