HRO Today RPO Provider Directory - 4

RPO Glossary
The terms below provide insight into the RPO industry and the important metrics,
technologies, and other concepts therein.
AI (artificial intelligence):
A branch of computer science and the technology therein
that allows machines to simulates intelligent behavior or
processes. In the context of HR, AI can screen resumes for
keywords or qualifications, assist with background screening,
identify ideal candidates for recruitment, and more.
ATS (applicant tracking system): A software application
that allows clients to handle their recruitment needs
electronically. Among other tasks, ATSs can filter
applications based on given criteria keywords, skills,
former employers, years of experience. They also assist
in tracking recruitment metrics.
Blended RPO: An RPO approach that handles the
recruitment of contingent labor as well as direct-hire,
full-time staff. These processes are combined into a
single, integrated system.
Candidate engagement: The process of actively
communicating with job candidates during the
application process in order to better illustrate company
culture, answer pertinent questions, and influence their
decision to continue to the next step of recruitment.
Candidate experience: A job candidate's overall
impression of the employer. This is the summation of
their experiences and interactions with employees,
recruiters, and employment marketing materials.
Candidate experience begins with the employer's job
website or application and ends with onboarding.
Chatbot: An AI-enabled computer program that holds
conversations, typically with customers, job seekers,
and other site visitors, in a private or public chat room.
Chatbots can be used to answer job seekers' questions
about the company, application process, and more.
CMO (contractor management office): A third-party
office that handles the payroll, invoicing, and other HR
processes for an organization's contingent workforce.
Core values: The fundamental beliefs and guiding
principles that inform an organization's culture and the
way that it does business.
RPO Provider Directory
Cost per hire: The combined dollar value spent to bring
an applicant on board as a new hire. Cost per hire
includes the quantified value of the interviewers' time,
the cost of relevant recruiting technologies, and more.
CRM (customer relationship management): Technology
that provides data management and communication
with clients and helps build future contacts.
Employer brand: The culmination of an employer's
reputation, culture, and value proposition as perceived
by employees, job candidates, and job seekers. Often
demonstrated through social media, recruitment
communications, and careers websites, the employer
brand tells the world what the organization values from
its employees and gives an idea of what it would be like
to work there.
EVP (employer value proposition): A statement of an
organization's offerings, capabilities and mission used
to illustrate the benefits of working there to candidates
and job seekers. An effective EVP will serve as a key
driver of recruitment and retention.
Enterprise RPO: Recruitment process outsourcing
programs designed for organizations with more than
5,000 employees. This type of RPO is the most common.
Failure to start: The percentage of assignments not
commenced after a candidate has been selected.
KPI (key performance indicator): A performance metric
used to evaluate the success of a particular program or
initiative (in this case, within recruitment). Examples of
useful KPIs might include cost per hire, time to fill, hiring
manager satisfaction, and candidate-to-offer ratio.
Midsize Deal RPO: Recruitment process outsourcing
programs designed for organizations with around 5,000
employees and deal sizes between 500 and 1,000 hires
per year. This is a growing market segment for RPO.
Off-boarding: The process of helping an employee depart
from the company after their termination, resignation

HRO Today RPO Provider Directory

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of HRO Today RPO Provider Directory

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