Employee Relocation WHAT'S TRENDING Mobility is changing and understanding short-term assignments, data analytics, and mobility preferences of millennials are keys to success. By The Editors Mind on Mobility Short-term relocation assignments are emerging as a strategy to keep younger workers engaged and loyal to the organization. By Marta Chmielowicz Globalization is raising the bar on mobility. As technology strengthens economic and intellectual connections across the world, leading multinational companies are looking to develop a new generation of leaders with a global mindset and multicultural experience. But few businesses are offering emerging leaders the scope of experience they will need to succeed in the new world of work. According to a study by the American Management Association, 48 percent of organizations consider developing global capabilities in their leaders to be a top priority, but a DDI survey reports that only 18 percent of multinational companies have the strong global leadership pipeline necessary to meet their future business challenges. Shifting talent demographics may be challenging this status quo, with millennial and Generation Z workers bringing a fresh appetite for international experiences. Graebel's Millennials and Mobility survey found that 84 percent of millennials are willing to relocate for a job and 82 percent believe that they will have to relocate in order to advance their careers. Likewise, the organization's subsequent Future Workforce and Mobility survey found that 75 percent of Gen Z respondents are more likely to accept a job offer from a company that offers options to work abroad. See more at: https://www.hrotoday.com/news/engagedworkforce/relocation/mind-on-mobility/ [20] Relocation Provider Directoryhttps://www.hrotoday.com/news/engaged