Momentum - April 2021 - 26

SAE News
off-road, and aerospace industries to share in
innovation is another Hemphill goal-mainly around the
areas of electrification, autonomy, and cybersecurity.
" We can really bring together the lessons learned
and knowledge from those different fields, " he said.
" There's already activity under way to do that in a
variety of forums through SAE. A specific example
would be urban air and ground transportation. There
are a lot of concepts for electric air taxis, but the
innovative part is that some of them plug into vehicles
that roll around on wheels after they get to their
destination. That's a pretty interesting example of
different modes of transportation and goods delivery
starting to merge and cross over. The questions is, how
do you bring together that whole innovation ecosystem
to support such an effort? "
It was about 15 years ago at a WCX conference
when, Hemphill said, he was struck by how effectively
SAE brings many learning and networking
opportunities together.
" I can't think of another organization that enables
you to participate in so many ways, " he said.
Breadth of experience is an important attribute
Hemphill will rely on during his one-year SAE
" I'm fortunate that my day job is with a company
that's active in all of our sectors, so I have a familiarity
with both state-of-the-art technologies that are being
developed and what the trends are-because it's my
day job to keep my employer informed about those
things. So I think that's a nice match. And
communicating those issues, or telling those stories, is
a strength I've worked to develop over the years. So I
hope that will help me be a good ambassador for SAE. "
The CTO at Schaeffler Americas is pretty much
responsible for the research function, Hemphill said. " I
keep track of the trends that are affecting our business
and our different divisions and make sure we have a
coordinated R&D reaction from the trends we see in
our different sectors. "
Though he holds an executive position, Hemphill
sometimes still exercises his engineering chops. " I'm
more or less directly involved with some of the newer
developments, " he said. " I still have a CAD license in
our system. I periodically do some concept drawing
and am able to get involved in testing some of our new
ideas and trying them out in vehicles. So it keeps me a
little hands-on. "
He also likes to keep a grip on the steering wheel
of his '67 MG. The amateur auto-cross competitor says
he has " always been struck by how many places in
that car I find an SAE notation, from seatbelts, to the
brake system, to the lights. If you take apart a British
car, you're going to find at least half a dozen
references to SAE. That's an indication of how much
good SAE does. " n

26 April 2021

Hemphill is a frequent speaker at SAE events.

Another SAE notation on his MG.



Momentum - April 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Momentum - April 2021

Momentum - April 2021 - Cov1
Momentum - April 2021 - Cov2
Momentum - April 2021 - 1
Momentum - April 2021 - 2
Momentum - April 2021 - 3
Momentum - April 2021 - 4
Momentum - April 2021 - 5
Momentum - April 2021 - 6
Momentum - April 2021 - 7
Momentum - April 2021 - 8
Momentum - April 2021 - 9
Momentum - April 2021 - 10
Momentum - April 2021 - 11
Momentum - April 2021 - 12
Momentum - April 2021 - 13
Momentum - April 2021 - 14
Momentum - April 2021 - 15
Momentum - April 2021 - 16
Momentum - April 2021 - 17
Momentum - April 2021 - 18
Momentum - April 2021 - 19
Momentum - April 2021 - 20
Momentum - April 2021 - 21
Momentum - April 2021 - 22
Momentum - April 2021 - 23
Momentum - April 2021 - 24
Momentum - April 2021 - 25
Momentum - April 2021 - 26
Momentum - April 2021 - 27
Momentum - April 2021 - 28
Momentum - April 2021 - 29
Momentum - April 2021 - 30
Momentum - April 2021 - 31