TESTING FEATURE BOTH IMAGES: ALLISON TRANSMISSION The facility's emissions-test equipment, sourced from AVL, is expected to get plenty of use in the next few years. Data security is paramount at the VET. Data collected during testing is sent directly to the cloud; only the customer has access to it. After 21 days that data is erased. meet specifications. Once it's within the test cell, the hookup time is within 30 minutes. " Proctor has plans to bring the VET's techs to Indy's famous Motor Speedway to study racing pit stops and benchmark best practices. EV testing expands With combustion engines expected to evolve and remain as prime-movers for decades, including in hybrid vehicles - and tighter emissions standards facing OEMs, in the form of the Phase 2 regs through model year 2027 - the Allison VET team is preparing for steady business in emissions testing this decade. As the executives noted, however, electrification and testing electrified vehicles are MAXAI 430 SERIES Take your visual engine monitoring experience to the next level, with the maxAI 430 series. With four GLႇHUHQWPRGHORSWLRQVDQGSOXJDQGSOD\VRIWZDUH WKDWDOORZVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIXSWRSDUDPDWHUV there is a maxAI system that's just right for you. To learn more visit maximatecc.com or call 800-676-1837. TRUCK & OFF-HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/79453-704 February 2021 19http://info.hotims.com/79453-704