STANDARDS & cOMMITTEES Ford and SK Innovation recently announced an MoU to create a joint venture, BlueOvalSK, to produce approximately 60 GWh annually in traction battery cells and array modules, starting mid-decade, with potential to expand. Battery testing made safer with help of SAE SAE International today released SAE J2464™: Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing, a revised recommended practice for establishing safe battery systems. Originating in 1999 when the industry recognized the need for safety and abuse testing of battery systems in the mobility sector, the revised J2464 recommended practice expands to focus on electric and hybrid electric vehicles, establishing an important milestone in the 34 October 2021 advancement of battery systems and electric vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) depend on rechargeable energy storage devices such as batteries and capacitors to realize the benefits of improved performance and fuel economy. Safety of advanced energy storage devices needs to be demonstrated and accepted by OEMs to commercialize advanced high energy batteries in HEVs and EVs. Widespread use and adoption of UPDATE Ford