FOcuS FOCUS: AUTOMATED VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY SAE International members help Update lay out the automated driving landscape, describing successes to date and challenges ahead. Teammate provides two functions: advanced drive and advanced park. When activated, advanced drive enables automatic steering, acceleration and braking on the highway under active driver supervision. IN THIS SECTION 6 SAE Level 2 driver assist systems are red-hot trend 12 Realities of traffic make automated driving a challenge 16 Free SAE event focuses on automated driving 18 SAE resources and opportunities related to automated vehicle technologies 20 Boots on for automated vehicle systems training 22 Coming soon: new SAE book on connectivity and automation 6 October 2021 SAE LEVEL 2 DRIVER ASSIST SYSTEMS ARE RED-HOT TREND Level 3-4 warming up; Level 5 cooling down By Kami Buchholz, a Detroit-based freelance writer who has written hundreds of articles for SAE International magazines. UPDATE Toyota