Chinook flies first flight-critical 3D-printed part on rotorcraft TECH FOCUS: ADDiTivE MANUFACTUriNg relatively excessive waste resulting from the material-removal character of many traditional technologies. " It's on the additive manufacturing community to make sure we have the data that demonstrates we can mitigate that risk and that we understand that risk ... to make sure engineers are comfortable designing for additive, to start that mind-shift. Makers of AM equipment would be wise to alter their approach to the market. Their machines, she said at AeroTech, " need to be made in a highly industrialized setting, not in a one-off setting. " Some makers are " better than others " in that regard. n The upper Y bracket is one of three 3D-printed parts on the deployable ion engine mount for a recently launched Boeing satellite. Additive manufacturing optimized the design - printing material only where needed - resulting in an overall 28-pound reduction. UPD SmartBrief Ad 0622.qxp_1/2 Page Horizontal 4/14/22 5:08 PM Page 1 . TO UPDATE July 2022 15 Boeing