Execut ive Leader ship Provided By: Register Today September 20-22, 2022 | Indianapolis, Indi ana The Biggest North American Commercial Vehicle Event Returns to Indianapolis this September! COMVEC brings together engineering professionals to network, hear keynotes and participate in panel discussions on the most important topics impacting the industry. Meet the Keynote Speakers: David S. Graziosi Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Allison Transmission Ameya Joshi Director Emerging Technologies & Regulations, Corning Inc. Ride-n-Drive Event at Allison Transmission Cost: $25 Registration Required. Includes transportation and lunch. Participating companies will showcase new technologies and infrastructure that are driving the industry forward - from mid-size through Class 8 autonomous and electric vehicles to off-highway equipment. sae.org/comvechttps://sae.org/comvec