CONTENTS VOLUME 40 ISSUE 4 8 SAE News 3 SAE partners to deliver world-class training in battery technology 4 SAE launches new student challenge to develop autonomous software Member Benefits 6 What's happening in the Connection+ TECH FOCUS: MATEriAlS 8 Materials and additive manufacturing: teaming for the win 14 Special issue of SAE journal focuses on lightweighting 18 Magnesium magic 20 Standards as the baseline for innovation Engineering Events: WCX 24 SAE Fellow puts together prestigious WCX panels 26 Decarbonizing road transport: why technology (alone) won't save the planet 30 How safe is safe enough for autonomous vehicles? 30 42 36 New and more practical algorithms could increase vehicle fuel efficiency by 5% Engineering Events 38 Learning from the past: SAE Noise and Vibration Conference from a member's perspective 40 Call for paper: SAE journals 41 Call for presentations: SAE Thermal Management Systems Symposium Standards & Committees 42 Wheel test specs revised 43 New standard addresses the complexity of power ratings for conventional vehicles vs electric Publications 44 Expert sorts out sensor capabilities and terminology in new SAE report SAE Foundation 46 SAE Foundation to honor Ford CEO, Jim Farley, at 2023 Annual Celebration 49 SAE student members bring STEM to life for third-graders in Austin Advertising 50 Classified advertising On the cover Titanium part on the Airbus A350 XWB. Airbus UPDATE April 2023 1