J STANDARD On-Board Diagnostics Symposium-Americas Sep t ember 17- 1 9, 2024 | Ga r den Gr ove, Ca l i f o r n i a Get Up to Speed on Emissions Standards and Regulation Efforts Interact directly with regulators, industry peers, and academia scholars. For 30+ years, this premier event has brought together leaders in powertrain diagnostics from the light and heavy-duty automotive industry, and the commercial vehicle on- and off -road industry to discuss topics that directly infl uence ground vehicle emissions reduction eff orts, including: * Current and proposed rulemaking * Strategies to ensure powertrains meet regulations * The most up-to-date global standards development initiatives * Industry trends * OBD systems development * SAE standards * Diagnostic challenges and solutions relating to zero emission vehicles Register today to save! sae.org/obd-na T S 1 A E 2 2 M P241588137