Custom Engineered Connectivity Solutions Solve Your Unique Design Challenges with L-com L-com offers customized solutions across our wired and wireless product lines with short lead times and either no or low minimum order quantities to meet your project requirements. &XVWRPSURGXFWFDSDELOLWLHVLQFOXGH¿EHUFRD[DQG(WKHUQHWFDEOHDVVHPEOLHVDVZHOODVFXVWRPDGDSWHUV DQWHQQDVZHDWKHUSURRI1(0$HQFORVXUHVDQGPRUH/FRP¶VFRPSUHKHQVLYHFXVWRPVHUYLFHVLQFOXGH &$'GHVLJQDQG'PRGHOLQJ * Free technical support and application assistance * Field application support * 4XLFNDFFHVVWRGDWDVKHHWV'GUDZLQJV'PRGHOVWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQ and resources )DVWUHVSRQVHWRTXRWHVGHVLJQVSURWRW\SHVDQGPDQXIDFWXULQJUHTXHVWV * Custom orders are spec controlled and proprietary to the customer to protect your application Contact us today at +1 (800) 341-5266 or with your custom product requirements, or visit us at custom-product-capabilities Free Info at Cov ToC